“Still warm?” Jared asked.
“Hmm.” Hanna nodded and stood for a minute as an uncomfortable feeling washed over her. Was Marcus hiding? If so, why? She walked around his vehicle, and her eye caught theVote Keyes for Chiefbumper sticker. She froze. It couldn’t be, could it?
“What’s the matter?” Jared asked.
“Look at the bumper. I just got creeped out.”
Jared eyes got wide. “Don’t blame you. You’re not thinking...?”
“Could be a coincidence.”
“That combined with a house that would fit in perfect with any horror movie would give anyone the creeps. Added to that, it’s totally private back here. Marcus could be the Lonely Heart Killer and a mad scientist, and no one would know.”
The fact that she and Jared were on the same page made Hanna smile.
Curiosity aroused, she walked around the SUV, saw a shed farther back where the lot ended in a hillside, and another vehicle. This was a small SUV, a newer Honda. She’d never seen Marcus in any car other than his Tahoe. Next to the Honda was a third car, under a tarp. She couldn’t see the car, but something about the shape triggered her instincts.
Walking to the car, Jared at her side, Hanna lifted the edge of the tarp. Her jaw went slack.
“That looks like Edda’s car.” Jared’s voice was tight with tension. “My goodness, what have we walked into?”
“I don’t like the answer that comes to mind.”
“Find what you were looking for?”
Hanna dropped the tarp. She and Jared jerked around to see Marcus. He must have come out of his garage—and he was pointing a gun at them.
HANNA WORKED TO CONTROLher shock, anger, and fear. Before she could say anything, Jared stepped around her and faced off with Marcus.
“You killed Edda?”
“Back off, Water Boy. I’ll shoot you where you stand.” Marcus made a menacing gesture with the gun, and Hanna grasped Jared’s arm, stepping even with him.
“What are you doing here?” Marcus demanded. “Your father finally start talking?”
“The evidence has. Chase killed Blake and Sophia, not my dad.”
Marcus chuckled. “Joe must be clearing his conscience.”
“He’s dead.”
Marcus gave a rakish tilt of his head. “Oh, too bad. He’ll always be remembered as a killer anyway.”
“You already knew it wasn’t him. You still published a book of lies.”
Marcus’s face reddened. “I hated your dad. I had a chance to mess him up so I took it. He got what he deserved.”
“You were the unnamed witness.” For Hanna it all fell into place. Why hadn’t she seen it sooner?
Marcus nodded and chuckled. “Big Al’s idea. I was at the right place at the right time. I wasn’t able to save Blake and Sophia, but I saved Chase, most of him anyway. The acid had burned into his face and eaten away half his calf. My dragging him out of the mess was something Big Al never forgot.”
He waved the gun toward the garage. “That way. Into the garage, both of you.”
Hanna saw where he pointed, the side door to the garage now open. She started walking that way, Jared’s and her arms touching. Her mind churned with scenarios about Marcus.
“Chase killed everyone: Blake, Sophia, and Gilly, I’m guessing. You just stood and watched?”