A knock on the door made her jump. It was Jared. “What are you doing here?”
“Manny Pacheco is in the ER with a dislocated kneecap. Asahad to arrest Carver. I wanted you to know, and I didn’t want you to run off by yourself and do something crazy.”
“I can call on resources. I need to find Nathan.” She turned her radio back up, certain Asa had probably tried to call.
“I want to help.” He frowned. “What is it, Hanna? You’re unsettled. Did Joe die?” He looked toward the bedroom.
“He’s weak. I just found out that he was never the killer.” She handed him the letter.
He glanced at it.
“You’re sure he’s being truthful?”
“He has nothing to lose. And it fits the evidence.” She sighed. “I’m going to talk to Everett. I’ll notify the sheriff’s department and ask for backup.”
“How does Nathan being missing figure into all this?” Jared asked. “Did Nathan think Chase was the one who killed Edda and the other women?”
“He knew that the guy who dumped Edda drove an SUV. He was trying to eliminate SUV owners. Everett has four. According to Joe, Chase killed Blake and Sophia. But he couldn’t have put them in the lake. There are more people involved in this. If Nathan took a trip up there to ask about the current murders and Chase feared his past murders had been discovered...”
“Nathan could be in real trouble.”
“I have to get up there.”
Jared put a hand on her arm. “Hanna, however I can help, I will.”
She held his gaze, memories of all the crazy stuff they did as kids flooding back. Rock climbing was life or death, and he was always fearless. No matter what they did, she felt safe with Jared. This was life or death as well, but they’d be facing bullets.
“You’re not a cop.” Her protest was weak.
“No, but I’m an EMT. I can do first aid.”
Hanna didn’t want to argue. “We’re running out of time.” She opened the front door. “Do what I say, clear?”
Hanna cast a glance back at Joe. He was still writing.
She headed for her car, with Jared on her heels.
HANNA HOPPED IN HER PATROLSUVand started the engine, but Jared was nowhere to be seen. He’d been right behind her. She jerked around when he rapped on the back window, then unlocked the door. He opened it and tossed a bag in the back seat, then climbed in the front seat.
“You have your toys; I have mine.”
Hanna nodded, backed out of her driveway, and then headed for the Buckley compound. She radioed her intentions and asked for county backup.
On the way she explained to Jared what was in the letter Joe had written, the details of how Chase killed Blake and Sophia. And possibly Agent Gilly.
“Why would Joe confess to a crime he didn’t commit?”
“He told me why he did it,” Hanna said. “The bigger question for me is about the prosecutor and the judge who accepted such a scant confession to lock a man up for thirty-five years.”
“The Buckley money, is that what you’re thinking?”
“What else? I’m sure they didn’t want Chase going to prison for murder. That is so hard for me to hear.” Hanna tapped on thesteering wheel, fidgeting. “Everett was good to my mom, and he’s never been anything but supportive for me.”
“Maybe he had to be.”