“You can’t protect him forever,” Marcus protested.
“No, but I can protect him for as long as he’s got left. Give it a rest, Marcus.”
Grace hurried down the walk by then, and she and Giles got Joe moving toward the house.
Marcus backed off, but the camera kept filming. Hanna got ahead of Joe and entered the front door. She picked Gizmo up and braced herself for the man with the walker to come inside.
JOE’S ARRIVAL WAS ANTICLIMACTIC.The activities of the day, the walk up to the house all served to wear him out.
“I tried to get him to use the wheelchair,” Tom explained. “He wouldn’t have it.”
Grace had him settled into the hospital bed in the guest room. She raised the back of the bed so he was in a sitting position and busily arranged his oxygen tank.
“He needs to calm down and rest. Too much exertion makes it difficult for him to catch his breath.”
Hanna stood in the doorway for a moment and saw him in the bed, chest heaving, Grace helping him with a nebulizer. Giles had carried in a small valise and set it on the chair next to the bed. He said it contained all of Joe’s belongings. Next to the valise he set a large well-worn Bible.
How am I supposed to feel?The pit of her stomach had that funny feeling you get when you’re on a roller coaster at the top of the ride, preparing to drop down at high speed.
After stepping out of the doorway, she went to the kitchen and filled her travel mug with coffee. She had to go to work. Her insides were a jumble. She wasn’t certain adding caffeine tothe mix was a good thing, but the smell and taste of coffee was a comfort.
“He’ll be better after he rests a bit,” Tom said.
“It looks as if Grace has things under control.” Hanna screwed on the mug’s lid.
“I agree. The entire hospice team are good at their jobs.”
“How long will you be here?”
“I’ll stick around for a bit. I know you have work to do. Things will be fine here if you’re worried.”
“I’m not worried.” She paused. “I don’t know what I am, to be honest. This is just strange.”
“I can imagine. You’re a cop; he’s a crook. Look past that, Hanna. Try and look at him as a soul who will be facing his maker soon.”
Hanna considered Tom’s advice as she got in her car and headed to the station. It didn’t help. Seeing Joe, having him in her house wasTwilight Zoneterritory. She wanted to talk to Jared. Maybe Mandy. Hanna winced when she realized Nathan was last on the list. As great as he was, Nathan wouldn’t understand her mixed feelings regarding Joe. The realization made her sad.
When Hanna pulled into the station, she recognized Everett’s truck parked at the curb. She bet he wanted to talk to her about Joe. He waited in her office.
“Good morning, Everett.”
“How can I help you?”
“Is Joe settled in?”
“Yes. The whole transfer here wore him out. He was out of it when I left.”
Everett seemed to consider this. “That Marshall is certainly trying to stir things up.”
“He is. I haven’t noticed that he’s been successful, as hard as he’s trying.”
“True. This is a good town, a compassionate town.” He steepled his fingers. “Joe’s presence does stir up a lot of pain for me.”
“I’m sorry, Everett. I’m really hoping he’ll tell Mandy what she wants to know. Then maybe this will be worth it.”