“Just that everyone alive during that time will remember those days. They were dark days. It wasn’t only the murder, it was the meth that poisoned the county. Joe was cooker. Not to mention the search for the FBI agent. For six months federal officers tore this town up looking for their man. Everyone was affected.”
“There was never any evidence that Joe had anything to do with the agent’s disappearance.”
“It’s the principle of the thing. Joe was a dark cloud in our horizon. Your father won’t win any popularity contests in Dry Oaks. And with Marshall’s book being in so many hands, who knows what some angry person may do.”
Hanna knew that was true. It hadn’t entered her mind before, but because of the book, everyone in town knew a certain story about what had happened thirty-five years ago.
How would that play in town now?
And if Joe came clean about Mandy’s parents, would that help at all?
LIKE A GOLF PUTT THAT CIRCLED THE CUP,going in before popping back out, Hanna’s decision about Joe kept going in and out, yes and no. The mayor’s anger set her back on her heels. This decision would not simply affect her, Mandy, and the Buckleys, but the whole town. Used to trying hard to look at the whole picture, Hanna wondered why she hadn’t seen that issue when she first got the letter.
Back at her office, she dug Jared’s phone number out of her desk drawer. After punching the numbers into her phone, she paused. It was almost noon. Was Jared home, or was he still at the fire? He’d have his phone with him either way, and if he didn’t want to talk, or couldn’t, he could just let it go to voicemail.
Taking a deep breath, Hanna pushed Call.
The phone rang four times. She was about to disconnect when Jared’s sleepy voice came over the line. “’Lo.”
“Jared? Did I wake you?”
“Hmm, yeah, but it’s okay. I needed to get up. What’s going on, Hanna?”
“I, ah, well, where are you, at the fire? Or home?”
“Home for a few more hours. Do you need something?”
“I just need to talk to you, run something by you...”
“You want to meet somewhere? You want to come here?”
“Ah.” Hanna thought for a moment. Did she want to meet somewhere? This was a small town, Jared and her meeting someplace was bound to start tongues wagging.
“I can come by your place. Say when.”
“Now, ah, well give me fifteen minutes to shower and get some coffee.”
“How about I come by in about forty minutes?”
“Fine, that would be great. See you then.”
As Hanna disconnected and sat in her chair, an odd feeling came over her. She shook it off.I’m only going to talk to him about Joe. That’s it.
Fully awake after Hanna’s call, Jared checked the clock and jumped in the shower. Still a few hours left of his leave, so he had time to visit with Hanna. As hot water pounded down on his head, he puzzled about the visit. What on earth could she want? Maybe she wanted to know about the fire lines.
No, she’d get her info about that straight from the fire chief.
Could she want to know what Jude was up to?
No, he doubted she’d come to talk to him here if that were the case.
Lathering up with shampoo and soap, he tried to shut out the questions in his mind. She’d be here soon enough, and he’d find out. He shaved close and dressed in clean jeans and a tank top. Even after using all the soap and water, he could still smell smoke and knew it would be a while before he didn’t. He hoped Hanna didn’t smell it.
He checked the mirror one more time. Staring at his reflection, he started laughing. He felt as amped-up as a teen going on his first date.
His smile faded. This wasn’t a date. Hanna was spoken for, at least for the time being. He paced a bit, still struggling to guess what she wanted to talk to him about.