Hanna said nothing. She was so eager to get home. Poor Gizmo had been cooped up all day.

When the firefighters made entry into what was left of the garage, Tony went with them, gloved up with an evidence bag. The outside walls were gone, but when Tony got to the closet, Hanna saw him take a couple of photos and then retrieve some items.

“Looks like they made it,” Jared said with a smile. He threw his arm around her.

Tony looked pleased when he approached Hanna. “Everything is a little wet and sooty but intact.”

“Notify the team handling the investigation now,” Hanna said.


Deep inside she had doubts that Marcus acted alone. The only way to quell the doubts was to catch him. She knew that would happen eventually. She prayed that he wasn’t planning a suicide by cop. But then that didn’t really fit his personality. Knowing Marcus, he’d want to crow to the heavens about what he’d done. Hanna was ready to go home and leave the catching of Marcus to the competent officers she worked with and around.

She looked up at Jared. “I’m ready for a shower and a hot meal.”

“You read my mind.”

“You want me to take you back to your truck? We can decide where we want to go after we’re both cleaned up.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

They walked hand in hand back to her car. Hanna relished the comfort and connection she felt with Jared. They drove in companionable silence to the coffee shop, where she dropped him off at his truck.

“I’ll go home and shower,” he said, “then come by and pick you up.”


They shared a tired kiss and Hanna continued home.

She felt fatigue hovering on the edges, waiting to descend on her like a dark fog. She fought it off. Her plans were to walk and feed her poor dog, shower, and change. Looking forward to dinner with Jared kept the fatigue at bay.

When she pulled into her driveway, she noted that the streetwas a little empty. No hospice workers anymore. A wave of emotion hit hard. Joe was gone. She wasn’t sure who she needed to call about planning for burial. Or cremation. She wasn’t even certain what Joe wanted.

She sat for a few minutes in her car, reflecting on everything that had happened in the past few days.

Oh, Lord, please bring the truth to light, and help me to process everything that’s happening.

She got out of the car and walked to her front door. Gizmo attacked her with gusto when she opened the door. Hanna bent down and picked him up, enjoying a cascade of doggie kisses. She took him into the kitchen and fed him, then let him out into her backyard.

“Sorry, there’s no walk right now, baby, but I’ve got a date.” Thinking of dinner with Jared as a date made her giddy.

Gizmo pranced around the yard for a bit and then did his business. Hanna ushered him inside and went to shower and change, suddenly feeling less tired and very chipper.


JARED WHISTLED AS HE SHOWEREDand changed into fresh clothes. He felt light and happy. His second chance with Hanna was the reason. He thought back over the years, remembering how badly he wanted to get out of Dry Oaks. Now, it was his home and he looked forward to roots, and children. The thought of children brought on a chuckle. He was putting the cart before the horse.

Despite what he and Hanna just went through, he was not tired. He was excited. To have an evening alone with Hanna and talk about the future energized him.

He left his room to grab his car keys from the small table in his kitchen. Jubilation fled, and his reach stopped halfway there.

“You’re in a good mood.” Marcus Marshall stood in Jared’s doorway, pointing a shotgun at him.

“How’d you get in here?”

“I guess you were so preoccupied, you forgot to lock the door. You have a hot date?” He laughed. “I thought you just came from one. I am surprised and a little impressed you got out of that. My mistake to try and burn a firefighter to death.”

“What do you want, Marcus? The whole county is looking for you. You’re not getting out of this. Give yourself up.”