Jared shone the phone light up and continued forward.Just move away from the flames.But were they heading out of the frying pan into the fire?
“There!” Hanna exclaimed.
They came to two steps. Above the steps was a trapdoor.
Jared handed Hanna back the phone. He pushed on the trapdoor, but it held tight. He repositioned himself on the stair to increase his leverage. Putting his back into it, he pushed as hard as he could and felt the latch give. The door flipped open. He shoved his head through the opening. To him it appeared as if they were in a living room. It was smoky and hot but no flames. It was also packed with boxes, books, and paper. Was Marcus a hoarder in addition to everything else?
He looked back down at Hanna. “Can you get Rita to the steps? I’ll pull her up and out.”
Hanna looked down. “Come on, Rita, we’re getting out.”
Rita was still coughing, but she looked better. Once she was up with Jared, Hanna followed up the steps.
“Are we in the living room?” she asked.
“Not sure, let’s find the front door.”
Jared picked Rita up and followed Hanna though the smoky house to the front door. She turned the dead bolt, then threw the door open. They were met by two of his colleagues in full turnout gear.
“Hodges?” one of them said, surprise in his voice.
“Yeah, I don’t think there is anyone else in the house, but I’m not positive.” He coughed. “She needs first aid on her feet. We could all use some water and O2.”
One of them took Rita from him.
Jared put his arm over Hanna’s shoulder and together they walked to the paramedic rig.
“IFEEL AS IFI’VE JUST RUN A MARATHON,”Hanna said to Jared as they reached the paramedic rig. One of the medics held out water bottles. She took one and so did Jared.
“With all the smoke we inhaled, we might as well have run a marathon in thick smog.”
Hanna chugged the water as Asa jogged up. “What on earth happened?”
Hanna sat on the bumper and told him about Marcus and finding Edda’s car.
“There are purses in the garage, I hope they survived because they’re evidence. It’s possible they belong to the other Lonely Heart victims. Marcus kept trophies.”
“The guys are getting a handle on the fire,” Jared told her. “The way it’s burning, the house will be a total loss, but the purses might be okay.”
“As soon as they let me, I’ll go take a look.” Asa shook his head. “Are you certain Marcus is not in the house?”
“What? Why?” Hanna stood and looked toward the garage. She could see the top of the SUV. “His SUV is still here.”
“We heard a car leave,” Jared said.
“Asa, can you check and see if there is a Honda still back there or a red VW? Marcus might have left in a different car. The BOLO that went out on his SUV needs to be changed.”
Asa nodded and went to check.
Rita pulled the O2mask from her face. “Did he steal my car?”
“We’ll find out.”
Asa walked back. “Edda’s car is still there. So, what kind of vehicle is Marcus in?”
Rita gave him the information, and Asa let dispatch know to change the BOLO.