It was difficult to think, the music was so loud. The walls seemed to vibrate with the drumbeat.
The front door opened to a narrow hallway. At the end of the hall was a light, and from the sound, that was the location of the music.
Hanna proceeded down the hall. She was calm and steady. Because of that, Jared was calm.
She walked slowly, but she slowed even more the closer she got to the doorway opening. To Jared it looked as if it was the kitchen. The smell of stale bacon grease wafted in the air.
Hanna poked her head into the room. Then she moved fast. It startled Jared and he was two steps behind her. He rounded the corner in time to see Hanna grab a gun from Chase. He was seated at a table littered with beer cans. His arm was splayed across the table and his head rested on it. The gun made it look as if he’d been sitting with the weapon, ready to shoot anyone who came throughthe door, but he’d fallen asleep instead. Pills were strewn all over the table along with a baggie of weed.
Hanna holstered her weapon and unclipped her handcuffs. Jared caught up with her but was too late. She already had the man cuffed.
“Is he drunk or high?” Jared asked, and then realized with the music blaring she couldn’t hear. He looked around and saw the source of the music and shut it off. The silence was heaven.
“Drunk or high?” Jared repeated.
“I think he’s a lot of things.”
Jared checked Chase’s pulse. His breathing was shallow and pulse very weak. He checked an eye, saw the pinpoint pupil, and answered his own question. “He overdosed with something.” The pills looked to him like stuff he’d seen on calls. “Probably fentanyl.”
“Is he going to die?” Hanna asked.
“I can’t say how long he has.”
Hanna looked around the kitchen, then hurried to the next room. When she came back in the kitchen, she looked at Jared. For the first time stress and fear showed on her face.
“Where are Nathan and Braden?”
HANNA WENT THROUGH ALLof Chase’s living quarters, turning on the lights. It was small, with a kitchen, living room, and bedroom. Her ears still rang from the deafening music. The fear she’d kept at bay had breached the wall she’d put up. There was no sign of Braden or Nathan anywhere, and she was in that space where every bit of her hope was being darkened by a shadow of terror. She had Chase secured, but he wasn’t even conscious. Guns, shell casings, and unspent bullets were everywhere, but no blood and no bodies.
Hanna stepped to the table and shook Chase’s shoulder. “Chase, come on, wake up.”
His head lolled back and forth, and he gave no indication that he’d heard.
“He’s more than three sheets to the wind,” Jared said. “Only Narcan will help him.”
“He’s—” Her radio beeped.
“Chief, we’ve been trying to raise you.” Charlie’s voice was uncharacteristically stressed.
“10-4, I copy you now. There was a lot of background noise.”
“10-4. Asa and the deputies are in the main house. Requesting your 20.”
“I’m down the path, to the right of the house, where Chase stays. Care for the people in the panic room first. They need medics. I have Chase in custody and am code 4.”
Hanna looked at Jared. “I’m open to suggestions.”
“I’ve been thinking. Suppose Chase has a panic room like his father.”
“Good thought.” She looked around. Where could that be?
“Chief, Chief.” Asa and two deputies burst into the room, interrupting her search.
“I’m okay.” She pointed to Chase. “He’s in custody. But I haven’t found Braden or Nathan.”