She had to look away from his piercing gaze. “Yeah, it was.” Turning back, she said, “I’ll think about it. Be careful.”
“I will. And Hanna?”
“Don’t be a stranger.”
AFTER LEAVINGJARED,Hanna felt confident about her decision. It was the Christian thing to do, to bring Joe home. She would be honoring her father, though she never thought of him that way; more importantly, she’d be honoring God. Hanna still had no idea what she’d say to Joe, but she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she’d not be able to live with herself if she’d said no.
Parole would visit her house Wednesday. She texted Nathan and Mandy that information. Mandy responded to Hanna’s text by asking to meet for lunch if she hadn’t already eaten. Hanna realized she was starving. Her light breakfast had faded a while ago. They planned to eat at the sandwich shop across from the clinic. Hanna was checking to make certain she wasn’t needed anywhere else and that things were rolling along smoothly in the field when her phone rang.
“Chief Keyes.”
“Hanna, is it true they’re letting Joe out?”
She recognized Marcus immediately. He wasn’t a full-time reporter anymore, but he did write pieces for the local paper on occasion. Because he’d self-published three true crime books, he liked to call himself the roving crime reporter. The only way hecould know this about Joe was if the mayor or Everett had called him, and it was doubtful Everett had made the call. That the mayor would call surprised Hanna. Then again, this was a small town, and there was no way to keep a secret about something like this for long.
“I’m talking with parole about the situation. And he’s not being released into the community if that’s what you think.”
“No, but he was supposed to die in prison. I think that’s what the families of his victims wanted.”
“He is dying, Marcus. From what I’ve been told, he’s not going to last long. All parole is asking is that he be able to die in a different setting.”
“With you?”
“I’ll know more after I meet with parole.”
“When is that?”
“Frankly, I don’t want to get into this with you right now. I consider it a personal matter.”
“With how Joe Keyes affected this town? If he comes back, it affects all of us. Does Everett know? He just lost Scott, for heaven’s sake. Why would you do this?”
“It’s about Joe, not Everett, and yes, I told him of course.”
“What did he have to say?”
“Only that it was my decision.”
“That’s all I have for you, Marcus. I’m late for a meeting. Goodbye.”
She hung up and immediately dialed Everett. He should know that this situation with the letter was going to be in the newspaper and that someone would be calling him. He should hear this from her and not from Marshall.
According to Grover, Everett was not available. All she coulddo was leave a message and ask him to call her as soon as he could. Then she left to meet Mandy.
The clinic was still a somber place. Edda’s death affected everyone. Staffed by mostly volunteers, some were praying, others were crying, and still others were trying to keep on conducting business. Mandy picked at her sandwich. Hanna didn’t have much of an appetite either.
“It was harder to come to work today than Saturday. Edda was the heart and soul of the clinic.”
“I’m sorry, Mandy, truly I am. And it wouldn’t do to close today, would it?”
“No, never. Above all, Edda would want us to save babies.”
“I know that.” She ate some chips, sipped her iced tea. “Is Brody coming home?”