Jared got off Marcus and went to Jude. Hanna pulled out her handcuffs and dealt with Marcus.
“You are so sued,” he whined as she pulled on his left arm. “My arm is broken and you’re making it worse.”
Hanna had a feeling he’d broken his collarbone. She’d seen that happen before with someone who didn’t know how to hold a shotgun when he fired it. “Give me your right hand.”
“I can’t. It’s broken.”
“The sooner I get you cuffed, the sooner I call the medics.”
He slowly brought his right hand back, and Hanna clicked on the cuffs. He fairly howled with pain. Hanna ignored him as her adrenaline spike dissipated. She just didn’t know about Jude.
She helped Marcus to his feet. He stumbled along and continued to whine. She walked him toward where Jared looked after Jude. “Is he okay?”
Jared looked up, the shadow of a smile on his lips. “Looks like he took a load of bird shot in the backside. He’s lucky Marcus was such a poor shot.”
“I’ll kill you, Marcus,” Jude hollered. He tried to get up, but it was obvious that pain kept him down.
“Is it really bad?” Hanna asked Jared.
He shook his head. “I’m sure it hurts, but it’s not life threatening. He got a bunch of pellets in his rump. Lucky Marcus didn’t load the gun with double-aught buck.”
All Hanna could do for him was call paramedics. Marcus was now in custody, and that meant to her, the nightmare in Dry Oaks was over.
“EDDA’S LIFE WAS ABOUT SERVING OTHERSwherever the need was the greatest.” Amanda paused in her remarks to wipe her eyes.
Hanna found herself doing the same thing. Edda’s celebration-of-life service brought so many emotions to the surface. She grieved not only for Edda, but also for Joe and her mother.
“She served women struggling with unexpected pregnancy, she worked tirelessly to help those fighting addiction, and she was always available to pray with anyone who asked.”
Hanna’s sadness was tempered by the knowledge that Edda was in heaven, enjoying her eternal reward. And in saying goodbye, at least for now, she knew who was responsible for her friend’s death.
Hanna went back to work the day after Edda’s celebration. Jared was off work and home recuperating with facial fractures. When Marcus hit him with the shotgun, it broke his nose and cheekbone. He’d attended the celebration of life but looked horrible as his face was black, blue, and purple with bruising. She planned on bringing him dinner at the end of the day.
At the moment, she was in Sonora for Marcus Marshall’s arraignment. A great deal of media was present at the courthouse, and she had to walk the gauntlet.
“Chief Keyes, can you give a statement about the arrest of Marcus Marshall?”
“Care to comment on Chase Buckley?”
“Is it true that your father’s murder case will be reopened?”
The last question stopped her. She searched for the reporter who had asked. It was a guy from the local paper. “Where did you hear that?”
“Can you confirm the rumor?”
Hanna studied the man for a minute, not hearing the other questions swirling around.
“I haven’t heard it. But it should happen. My father didn’t kill anyone.” She continued into the courthouse as more questions exploded from the crowd.
Inside the door, Manny Pacheco leaned on a cane and smiled when he saw her. “Morning, Chief. I thought I’d join you.”
“Of course, Manny, good to see you out and about.” She asked him about the reporter’s question, and Manny smiled.
“Nathan petitioned the sheriff to reopen the case. He said that in light of Chase Buckley’s arrest, it would be a travesty to let Joe’s conviction stand.”
“Wow.” All Hanna could do was shake her head. Nathan was a good friend. “I heard Mason and Trejo now have the Lonely Heart case.”