Page 80 of One Final Target

“As far as Jonah goes, what do you mean ‘not good with women’?”

“I don’t mean abusive. He’s a guy. He has trouble making commitments.”

“Not all guys are commitment averse.”

“Sorry to paint with a broad brush.” She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. “His last girlfriend told me about his inability to commit.”

“And Ian Hunter?”

Jodie sighed. “He was an awesome cop. I’ve known him my whole career. I can’t see him killing four cops. You see him now, and he’s devastated. Ian is not himself.”

“He got in my face. He wants Collins dead.”

“He wants revenge. I...”

“What? Finish your thought.”

“Maybe I want revenge too.”

“Justice and revenge are two different things.”

“I believed that once as well. Now I’m not so sure.”

“Don’t get dark on me, Jodie. I’m sure when it comes right down to it, you’ll do the right thing.”

“Thanks for that.”

“The next name is Tara Corson.”

She started to speak, then stopped and stayed quiet for a minute.

“Maybe a couple of years ago I wouldn’t have called her my friend. We were never close before the IED thing. Yes, we went through the academy together, but we were competitive. We traveled in different circles. I didn’t know much about her work. I initially didn’t want her on the investigation because she was an unknown. But I think she’s proven herself to be a solid investigator. I trust her.”

“She seems sharp,” Sam conceded. “What happened to your parents?”

Jodie twisted in her seat, wondering at the abrupt change in subject.

“They were killed in a plane crash. They were missionaries on their way back to South America when the plane went down. I happened to be here with another church family because I’d gotten sick and needed to have my tonsils taken out.” Jodie got pensive and stared out the window.

“What is it?” Sam asked. “I’m sorry if it’s a painful question.”

“I was wrestling with this at Estella’s. So many people close to me dead. I’m still standing.”

“None of it is your fault.”

“I hear that, I just don’t feel it. Sometimes it’s hard, but especially after realizing Collins was ready to blow up the neighborhood—I know it’s not my fault. It’s just...” Her voice faded. In her whole life she’d never experienced such a roller coaster of emotions and she just wanted it to stop.

Sam was quiet.

“Estella said I always must be in control. I guess she’s right. I’m beginning to understand how little control over life I really do have.”

“So true.”

“As I’m trying to let go, some questions just won’t leave my head.”

“Questions likewhy them?”

“Yes, andwhy me. I know my arm has healed. I just wonder if my soul ever will.”