As they left Computer Relief, Sam looked for the blue Jeep and didn’t find it. He knew he’d feel a lot better about everything the sooner Collins was in custody.
ALONG WITH HER BACKPACK,Jodie packed a small suitcase. Mike drove her back to Estella’s.
“I’m glad you decided to go hide,” Mike said. “I’ll sleep easier. The Feds will send someone here to pick you up a little after dinnertime.”
Like I had a choice.“They’ll pick me up?”
“Yeah. No one else needs to know where you’re going. You agree, right?”
“I was, uh... I was hoping Sam could take me.”
“It really wouldn’t make sense, Jodie. The Feds can handle it and keep you safe. The less people know where you are, the better.”
Jodie was quiet for a moment. She’d come to think of Sam likea partner. She wanted him to know where she was. It was unsettling to think of putting her life in the hands of strangers.I’m just being silly... aren’t I?
“I hope it’s only for the night,” she said. “With everyone working this case, I expect Collins and his partner will be in custody before long.”
“You wouldn’t think, just looking at this kid’s background, he’d be capable of doing everything we think he’s done. You know what bothers me the most?” Mike asked.
Jodie looked across the car at her uncle. She did know. “You think his partner may be a cop?”
He met her gaze briefly before returning his focus to the road. “I hate to think it, and I have no one in mind, but this guy...”
“I know what you mean. Sam and I talked about this last night.”
“You told Gresham?”
“I trust him. He’s not going to announce the theory from the housetops.”
“It’s too obvious. Everyone will come to the same conclusion if they haven’t already. We’re going to have to figure this out and pounce on the guy before he can cover his tracks. I’ve shut everyone out of the invest on the computer. It’s flagged now. If anyone unauthorized tries to pull up the file on this investigation, warning bells will go off.”
“Who is authorized?”
“Me, Tara, Gresham, one or two Feds, and the chief. Period.”
Jodie considered this. Officers could generally access ongoing investigations only if they could show a need to know. An unauthorized access would be logged but not necessarily set off warning bells. If Mike set an alert, he’d know immediately ifsomeone accessed information they weren’t supposed to.Unless, of course,Collins knows how to defeat such an alert and his cop buddy gets in.
Oh, Lord,she prayed,who have I worked with forfifteen years that hates me so much they’d try to murder me again and again?
Back at the station, Tara gave Sam a thumb drive with some information to review. They’d decided to divide up the list of clients. He reviewed what the clients had requested and what Collins said he actually did. Sam found the work request for the medical practice where Bass worked the most troubling. The request was from two months ago. Collins could have discovered a lot about Jodie from his files. He could have used the information to help set up the trap in Arrowbear.
The timing was about the same, but the gym and the coffee shop did not register as big deals, though Corson was running with them, leaving him to ruminate about Bennett. This request was for further back, more than a year. The warrant the judge had signed off on had asked for eighteen months’ history. While Sam didn’t think it was as big a red flag as Corson did, he called Bennett’s office. When he told the receptionist who he was, he was put through immediately to Jonah.
“Sam Gresham, I’ll admit I’m surprised to hear from you. What can I do for you?”
Sam told him about Computer Relief and Dennis Collins.
“Wow, I don’t know what to say other than he’d never get any information about Jodie from one of my offices. She’s never been a real estate client.”
“We’re contacting anyone with ties to both Collins and Jodie.”
“I get it. I wish I could help. But I have an IT manager who deals with computer issues. Do you want to talk to him?”
“Yes, I would. Can you give me his name and number?”
“Whatever I can do to help.”