Just then, the tech walked in. “Your phone is clean, but you were definitely hacked.” He handed her the phone.
“This guy installed spy software on your laptop. He was tracking your computer activity, reading your emails, checking out the sites you visited. He most likely gained access to your system by installing a virus in an email you trusted, maybe. This is the kind of hacking we see in cyberstalking cases. He simply watched everything you did. He may have even intercepted emails. I’ll need more time with the laptop. I’ll give you a call when it’s cleaned up.”
Jodie felt punched in the stomach.
“Can you figure out who did it?”
“I’ll do my best. It’s quite a challenge. I’ve seen a lot of hacks, and this is, so far, the best and most difficult to track.”
Sam finished up with Martin and went to help Tara with all the Computer Relief records she was sifting through.
“Anything?” he asked.
“One or two concerning things.” She chewed on her bottom lip.
“You look frustrated.”
“I am. I’ve been looking for anything remotely connected to Jodie. Look at this list.” She handed him the legal pad she’d been writing on.
The first name on the list was a fitness center, followed by a medical center and a coffee shop. The fourth name on the list hit him right between the eyes: the real estate offices of Jonah Bennett.
Sam looked up. “Jonah Bennett?”
“Yep, good old Uncle Jonah.”
“You sound as if you don’t like him.”
“The old geezer hit on me. I could be his daughter.”
Sam stretched out the fingers on his right hand, pushing them back with his left hand. Jonah was family to Jodie. Was this a coincidence, or did Collins see Jonah as an additional avenue to get information about Jodie? “I doubt the big boss is responsible for hiring tech help. Someone from his office probably called Computer Relief.”
“Maybe.” Tara was watching him.
He looked back at the list. “These others are important because...?”
“Collins was the tech on all four of their repair tickets. Jodie and I both work out at the gym, or we did before the IED. He worked on their customer billing accounts.”
“The medical center is where Dr. Bass works. Collins specifically set up everyone’s entire billing and appointment system.”
“So the hacker could have gotten her medical records.”
“And the coffee shop?”
“Jodie liked this place for team meetings. She and her guys would meet there. If they were on the network there, who knows.”
“That’s a long shot.”
Tara shrugged and shoved files into a folder. “I will pull at every string I can. Was the coworker any help?”
“Not really. He gave me some ideas about why Collins flipped out—nothing earthshaking. From the way he talked, I don’t think they were really close friends.”
“I don’t think this kid was truly friends with anyone. He’s a misfit. Let’s head back to the station.”