Page 55 of One Final Target

Everyone turned toward him.

Surprise snapped Jodie out of her anger. “Where in the mountains?”

“Arrowbear. On the other side of town from where the IED exploded. He’s got an attached apartment; you’d have your privacy and you’d be safe.”

“You want to send Jodie back to the mountains?” Mike asked.

“If Collins is the guy, he went to considerable lengths to get to the mountains. But he’s based here. There is no evidence he has a permanent presence in the mountains.”

Jodie watched her uncle and could tell he considered this viable. She didn’t like the idea at all. She wanted to stay in Long Beach.

“Who is this guy?”

“You met him the other day—”

“George Upton?” Jodie stared at Sam, aghast.

Sam nodded. “I know you didn’t hit it off, but George can be trusted. His house is safe.”

Smiley stepped in. “I know George Upton. He was a solid cop. His place would be better than any safe house. And returning to Arrowbear would be the last thing this guy would expect.”

Jodie couldn’t believe this was a real suggestion. Her, stay with the retired cop?

“George Upton? Does he own a security company?” Masters asked.

“He does.”

“I know of him. We don’t have another safe house to send her to, now, do we, Detective King?” Masters asked.

“Tara is waiting for a callback. The local FBI office has a place we can use. We’re simply waiting for confirmation.” Mike turned to Smiley. “You say this Upton is a retired cop?”

Smiley nodded. “Did thirty-five years in harness. Exemplary record. I’ve been to his house. It’s hard to get to. Like Sam said, it’s on the other side of Arrowbear from where the IED was. George set the house up to be protected and safe.” He gave a half smile. “He’s a paranoid ex-cop—you know the type.”

Mike smiled at the inside joke. After a long career in law enforcement, it could be difficult not to be paranoid about crime and the threat of crime.

Masters turned to Sam. “Upton is very squared away. I’d sayyour plan, Detective Gresham, could be a good backup. Are you certain Mr. Upton would be willing to take on this responsibility?”

“I can call him right now.”

“Wait.” Jodie spoke up, a little angry this conversation was taking place as if she were not there. “Can we slow down? What about a hotel somewhere in Long Beach? I hate to go so far away.”

“I’d rather have you with me,” Mike said. “But I see the logic here. This Collins is crazy about explosives. If he were to attempt to take you out in a crowded hotel, many people could be injured.” He looked at Sam. “Hopefully the Feds will come through. I don’t like the idea of the mountains either. But I’d trust you in the hands of a retired cop who is justifiably paranoid.”

Like I’m a child.


“I NEED SOME AIR.” Jodie pushed away from the table and left the room. She intended to simply step outside, but it was still a circus with crowds and press. The public information officer had yet to give a statement, so everyone was still waiting for information.

“Jodie, do you need to talk?” Bass had followed her out.

“No, I do not,” she said without looking at him. She hoofed it back to Gus’s house, dodging the reporters who mobbed her once she was out of the perimeter and ignoring questions hollered her way. At Gus’s, Levi was standing in the doorway watching the circus.

“Who was dead in the house?” he asked.

Jodie told him she couldn’t say for sure. “How well did you know Collins? Did you ever see him with anyone?”

Levi shook his head. “I only saw the guy a few times. Barely spoke to him. I handle my own computer problems. He was my dad’s friend. I—” His voice broke and he brought a hand up to wipe his eyes. “I was kind of happy my dad found someone to help him with the computer, the phone. So he wouldn’t bug me. I had no idea...”