“I’m not hungry.” He looked at Sam. “I guess I owe you an apology.”
“Don’t worry about it. This situation would stress anyone out.”
He nodded and seemed to be ready to say something else, but then a commotion sounded at the front door. Conversation stopped and everyone’s attention turned to the front door when Levi began protesting with a male visitor. Sam feared a reporter had made it inside the police tape.
“I just want to see Jodie,” a male voice said.
Sam saw Jodie stiffen. A tall, bearded man strode into the kitchen. He had all the markings of a drug cop in Sam’s estimation.
“Ian, what are you doing here?”
The name clicked with Sam. Ian Hunter was the team member who had not been present at the raid. He looked gaunt and haunted and he was fixated on Jodie.
“What is going on? You’ve been chasing a suspect and you didn’t tell me?”
“Ian, it’s more complicated than that.”
“I’m not stupid—”
“Ian, it’s good to see you again.” Estella stood. “We’re decompressing here, not fighting. Can I get you something to eat?”
Her motherly manner took all the starch out of Ian.
“Uh, what? No thank you. I’m not hungry.”
“Then have a seat.” Mike pointed to an empty chair on the other side of the table. “We’re waiting for the bomb squad to clear the house.”
Ian’s eyes roamed the table. There was no seat next to Jodie, and Sam wasn’t going to move. His eyes came to rest on Sam.
“Are you Gresham?”
“I am.” Sam stood and extended his hand. Ian extended his as well and they shook while he cast an appraising glance over Sam.
“Ian Hunter. You defused an IED?”
“I was in the right place at the right time.”
He studied Sam for a moment, then looked at Jodie. “Can I have a minute?”
Sam saw irritation crease Jodie’s forehead.
“I’m tired, Ian. Can this wait for another day?”
It was Ian’s turn to be irritated—Sam saw it in his face, the jaw muscle twitching. Ian looked ready to say something, but Mike spoke up first.
“We’re waiting on the coroner, Ian. You can do us a favor, if you have the time.”
Ian turned his attention to Mike. “What?”
“This kid, Dennis Collins—we’re going to be tearing his life apart. Can you look at him through narcotics, maybe get gangs involved? There must be more to him than we’ve found so far.”
As far as Sam could tell, Ian had himself under control now. “He was backgrounded here, I understand.”
“He was,” Mike said. “Get a copy, start digging. Tara and I will be tied up with this for a while. I’ll try to get you a spot on the task force.”
“I’ll get right on it.” Ian’s energy was focused in a different direction now. “I just want to be kept in the loop.” He left.
“What if Collins is one of the dead?” Jodie asked her uncle when Ian was gone.