Page 111 of One Final Target

“I’d hate to see you go somewhere else, but I get it. Too much history here.” She handed Jodie a newspaper. “Have you seen this?”

Jodie took it, saw the headline, and read the first line of the article.Local Realtor Jonah Bennett is facing more federal charges as additional evidence comes to light.

“The outcome of all this will be interesting,” Tara said before walking off toward the parking structure.

Jodie skimmed the article. Further down, she saw that Dennis Collins had agreed to testify against Jonah in return for a lighter sentence. She already knew about the murder charges against Jonah; the article indicated charges for buying the stolen C-4, kidnapping, and attempting murder by shooting George had been added. Prosecutors initially only charged Dennis with shooting Chad Logan and left charging him as an accomplice to Jonah and a lot of the computer crimes pending, because they were hoping to get his testimony against Jonah. Looked like their strategy worked.

Despite the resolution, Jodie felt no joy or elation. Nothing would bring her team back, and a man she considered family was the cause. There was no closure in this situation, only senseless loss. It had even taken the starch out of Mike. He’d turned in his papers to retire. In spite of fractured feelings about the end, Jodie felt whole. She’d resolved to concentrate on what she knew, not on what she couldn’t see or know.

Sam changed quickly and hurried to find Jodie. He caught sight of her reading a newspaper. As always, seeing her brought a smile to his lips and made his heart light. They’d been through so muchin a short period of time. The first day they’d met she was lost and hurt—devastated, out of touch with life and her faith. He’d seen her fight through the pain and change. Now she was a different person, confident, in touch.

She was still wobbly in places, not certain about her career path. But she was back in church and engaged in life. The hurt and loss still dogged her at times, he knew, just like it dogged him. They were both broken people standing on a firm foundation.

God is good, even when life is not.

“Whatcha got there?” Sam asked.

Jodie showed him the newspaper article and he skimmed it.

“They got Dennis to turn. Good. Maybe Jonah will plead out and save the city a trial.”

“Maybe. You ready to go to lunch?”

“I’m ready to go anywhere with you, Jodie.” He smiled and leaned down for a kiss. Jodie threw her arms around his neck and kissed back. And then hugged him tight.

“Hey, you’re holding on like I’m leaving. I’m going with you,” he laughed.

“I know. I just don’t ever want to lose sight of what’s really important ever again, and right now you are one of the many unexpected blessings I do not want to take for granted.”

She returned his smile and they walked arm in arm back to his patrol car. And really, into their future together.