“Exactly? No, I don’t. But if she lives here, and Collins moved here... creepy.”
“True. Hmph. I’ll give LBPD a call, let them know we’ve arrived,” Smiley said. “I’m calling Mike King. He’ll know if it’s her car and where she lives.”
Sam said nothing. He had a bad feeling it was Jodie’s car. Jodie wanted to find the killer more than anything. She could have gotten the address the same way he did. Why was she here? He considered logical reasons and didn’t like any of them because they all involved confronting a possible suspect. Sam hoped Collins wasn’t their guy.Oh, Lord,he prayed,I hope Jodie didn’t get more than she bargained for.
“Mike King is on his way,” Smiley said after he ended the call. “Jodie doesn’t live here but according to him, the plate says the car belongs to her. I’ll tell you who used to live in this neighborhood.” He pointed to the house Jodie’s car was parked in front of. “Gus Perkins.”
“A member of her team?”
Smiley nodded.
“Wow, this is not good.” Sam felt a heavy foreboding deep in his soul.
“Any suggestions on how to proceed?”
“King didn’t want us to wait for him, did he?”
Sam peered at the house. “I don’t see Jo—King. In fact, it doesn’t look like anyone’s home.”
“Yeah, yet her car is still here.”
Sam nodded. “She could be at Gus’s house.”
“I hope she is. I think we need to contact Mr. Collins.”
“Let’s go.”
Together they walked toward the house. Sam noticed the man next door watching them as they walked up to the front door and knocked. There was no response. When they stepped back to check the windows for any kind of reaction, the man who’d been watching approached them.
“His cousin just went into the backyard looking for a key.”
“His cousin?” Smiley asked.
“Yeah, just a couple of minutes ago. Who are you?”
“San Bernardino County Sheriff.” Smiley held out his badge. “We wanted to speak to Mr. Collins.”
“He’s gone back east. Like I said, his cousin just went around back to check out a smell coming from the house. She must have gotten inside because she never returned.” He started to walk around toward the gate.
Sam stopped him, all his cop instincts on high alert. “Don’t bother. We’ll check on her. Can you describe her?”
“Tall, blonde. She said Kent often left a key under a flowerpot.”
Sam and Smiley exchanged a glance.
“We’ll handle this,” Smiley said. “Thanks for your help.”
“Of course.” The man nodded and went back to his yard.
Sam led the way through the gate, drawing his weapon once he was in the yard.
“Collins have a cousin?” Smiley asked.
“None noted in anything I read,” Sam responded, wondering what in the world Jodie King had found.