Page 81 of Blood Moon

Beth fell into step with him as he resumed pacing. “What are you thinking?”

“I’ve been running through the list of people Barker could have either bribed or coerced to write that confession and plant it on Billy to be easily found.”

“What were you doing in the jail that night?”

“Barker and the ogre were coming down so hard on Billy I’d asked his court-appointed attorney if I could interview him again in the jail and out of their hearing. He didn’t object so long as he was present. He and I had just arrived at the jail when all hell broke loose.”

“When Isabel Sanchez discovered Billy. Could she have been bribed to plant the confession?”

John frowned. “I’d hate to think it of her. I figured it was the trauma of finding Billy that had caused her anxiety and led to her resignation from the SO, but maybe it was guilt.

“Whatever the cause, her meltdown was genuine. I didn’t plan on bothering her, but this has gotten too big. Barker and crew need to be made to account. With all that’s at stake, I can’t continue being Mr. Nice Guy. I have to get her to talk about what went down in the jail that night.”

Now motivated, they started back across the field toward the car.

Beth looked up at him from beneath her hood. “Remind me of when you were Mr. Nice Guy?”

“Every time I’ve entertained dirty thoughts about you but didn’t act on them.” He slanted a look down at her. “I’m practically a saint.”

They got into the car. He started the engine but didn’t engage the gears. “The thing about sainthood,” he said, “is that it’s not at all what it’s cracked up to be.” He reached across the console and curved his hand around her nape. Before she had time to even anticipate what was coming, his mouth was on hers. It was more than a kiss; it was a fusion. For half a minute, they greedily indulged themselves.

He ended it by sweeping his tongue across her damp lower lip, then pressed his forehead against hers. His breath fell hot and fast on her face. “I had to have a taste.” Then he released her, settled back into his seat, and put the car in reverse.

John had former deputy Sanchez in his contacts, although he didn’t know if the phone number was still good. He feared she wouldn’t answer from an unidentified caller, but after the fifth ring, a wavering woman’s voice said hello.

“Isabel? It’s John Bowie.”

She didn’t say anything.

“Can you hear me?”


“It’s been a while.” She didn’t respond to that, either. “How are you getting along?”

“I’m all right.”

Her shaky tone said otherwise. He had second thoughts about continuing, but he reminded himself of his purpose. “I know you’ve had it rough, and I don’t want to impose, but I wondered if I could come see you.”

That goosed her. “Come see me? No! Absolutely not.”

“Please. If it wasn’t important, I wouldn’t ask. I promise I won’t take up much of your time. I just want to—”

“I can’t… I can’t talk to you.” Her voice cracked; he heard her sniff. “Please understand. My husband, my kids. I’ve got them to think about. Sorry, John, I have to go now.”

“Wait!”What about her husband and kids?Then he got it. “Were you cautioned not to talk to me? Have you been threatened?”

She didn’t reply, but her unsteady breathing was answer enough.

He looked across at Beth, whose expression told him she shared his concern. “Isabel, the last thing I want to do is put you and your family at risk. You and I don’t have to meet face-to-face, but—”

“I’m hanging up now.”

“—can you please just answer a few questions?”

“Please don’t call me again.”

“I’ll make them yes or no questions.”