Page 111 of Blood Moon

“Most confessions are written under duress.” John held his hands out at his sides. “It would go something like that.”

On the muted monitor, Barker was waxing eloquent, actually grinning into the camera. John said, “And even if, by divine intervention, the two of them were convicted and given life without parole for Billy, we still don’t know who took Crissy and what he did with her.”

“You’re way too hard on yourself, John. How could I have ever thought that you don’t give a damn?”

“When I walked into that bar, I didn’t. You had me pegged.” He looked into her eyes, saw the anxiety there. “A better question would be how I could have dragged you into this.”

Before she could respond, her burner phone rang. She looked down and gasped, “Oh my God, it’s Brady.” She answered quickly. “Winston? Thank you for calling me. Hold on a sec. Don’t hang up.” She pressed the phone against her chest. “This is going to take a lot of explaining. I’ll go into the bedroom.”


She scampered into the bedroom and shut the door. He finished the whiskey in one stinging gulp, then carried the glass into the kitchen, where Mutt joined him, looking hopeful. “Sorry, buddy. I didn’t realize it was past your suppertime.”

He was filling the food bowl when the phone he used for Mitch jingled. Clumsily, he set the bowl on the floor, spilling half the contents, before he rushed over to grab the phone. “I’m here.”

“You sound out of breath. Did I catch you postcoital?”

I wish.“I spilled a bowl of dog food. What’s going on?”

“I was tailed this morning. Lost the asshole, but it put me on guard. I packed Angela up and sent her to Lafayette to stay with her parents until I give her the all-clear.”

“I’m relieved to hear it. Beth and I were followed today, too. It’s also possible that Barker had someone watching Molly.”


“That’s unconfirmed, but I don’t put anything past him.” He gave Mitch a capsulated rundown of their day, which included the contentious encounter with Carla Mellin. “She’s still a viper.”

“Are y’all okay?”

“For the present. Beth and I are back at the camp. Molly is with her mom and soon-to-be stepdad.”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard right. Roslyn is getting married. To hear Molly tell it, they deserve each other.”

“Poor kid.” Mitch sighed. “Well, my news is better than yours. The dark web moles came through with some familiar handles.”

“They did?”

“Even better, they know who they belong to, and some are regional. Regional-ish. The boys isolated those for you. I’ll text them. Understand that your guy may be a whole lot deeper than the people behind these names.”

“But this is a starting point. Thank you, Mitch. The moles, too. I’ll buy them all a beer soon. If I’m not in jail.”

“John.” Mitch paused strategically. “You mind my asking how you’re figuring all this is gonna play out?”

“Beth and I have been discussing possible outcomes. None positive.”

“’Fraid of that. How is she?”

“Feeling the strain, but she hasn’t caved.”

“And the two of you…?”

“None of your goddamn business.”

“Oh, that’s a definite yes.” He chuckled, but then sobered. “I have the next two days off. Angela’s gone. If you get in a bind, I’m a call away.”

“Thanks, but I hate to involve you any further.”