“We exchanged promises.”
She nodded, looking so forlorn, he hesitated to continue, but knew he must.
“If you break your promise to me, Molly, the deal’s off. And I mean it. If you put me through that again, there’ll be no negotiation, no compromise, no ‘I’m sorry, Dad, I’ll never do it again.’ Understand me?” Her lips was trembling, but she nodded. “Let me hear you say it.”
“I understand.”
“You uphold your end of the bargain, and I swear to you, I’ll uphold mine.” He reached for her hand and squeezed it. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. I just wish—”
“I know what you wish. I wish it, too. But even when we’re not under the same roof, I’m always there for you. Call me anytime, even in the wee hours.”
“To bawl my eyes out?”
“Especially for that. I don’t mind.” He gave her hand another squeeze, then looked at his watch. “It’s ten to nine. Time to hustle. And I want a private showing of that art project when you’re finished.”
“You’ll have one.”
When they got outside, they hugged again; then she motioned toward the car. “Can I meet her?”
“Now’s not really a good time. You’ve got class, we’ve got an appointment.”
“Does she live in New York?”
“Sweet. Is she young or old?”
“Younger than older.”
“Is she cool?”
“Define cool.”
“Is she hot?”
“First cool, now hot. Why are you asking all these questions?”
She grinned. “Because you got all weird when you were talking about her.”
“All weird?”
She laughed. “Gonna be late. Bye.” She bussed him on the cheek and jogged off, turning once to wave as she rounded the corner of the building.
He walked over to the car and got in.
Beth said, “She’s adorable.”
“Everything all right?”
“For the time being.”
Beth didn’t fish for information, but he felt she was owed an explanation. “Teenage angst, but she’s got some legitimate grievances. She’s a great kid who deserved better parents. Roslyn didn’t fool anybody about her affairs, especially Molly. She’s abnormally intuitive.”
“I wonder where she gets that.”