Page 150 of Blood Moon

He knew he would die remembering that instant of joy.

When he woke up, he couldn’t bring himself to move.

Last night, after catching his breath from the mind-blowing sex, he’d reclined and brought Beth down with him. She’d sprawled atop him as bonelessly as a rag doll. Except a lot sexier.

Lethargic himself, he’d kept his eyes closed and allowed himself to enjoy that kind of intimacy. The kind that was perilous to indulge in because it required too much, the kind that was in direct contrast to the I-don’t-give-a-damn attitude he’d forged.

But because he’d been unshackled from his bitterness over the Mellin case, he’d been able to relax and savor the aftermath, take pleasure in the weight and feel of Beth’s sweet body, the heat that had radiated from her skin, the brush of her hair against his throat, the soft breaths feathering his ear.

Still snugly connected, they had slept.

At some point, she’d sleepily moved to his side, they’d readjusted, and now lay spooned. He wanted to luxuriate in it but knew all the responsibilities of the day were waiting for him.

He pried open his eyes. The filmy, gray light of predawn made everything in the room indistinct. Shapes were undefined, colors were dulled, adding to his feeling that this bed was his and Beth’s own desert island, apart from all else, either tangible or conceptual. For a few precious minutes, he remained as he was, watching as the light seeping through the window curtain inevitably became brighter.

He’d promised Molly he would be at the hospital early.

He moved Beth’s hair aside and kissed the back of her neck. She murmured and shifted her legs, rubbing them against his. He whispered, “You’re free to sleep in and spend the day with Mutt. But I don’t know when you could expect me back.

“If Molly is released from the hospital, I want to see her home, not leave her to deal with Roslyn’s theatrics alone. Also, Derby will need me when it comes to formally charging the professor. And Barker, I hope.”

She reached over her shoulder and covered his mouth with her hand. “Say no more. I’m going with you.”

They kissed, then reluctantly got up. “I’ll use the other bathroom,” she said. “All my stuff is in there.”

John let Mutt out, then showered and dressed. By the time Mutt scratched on the front door, his bowls had been filled and were waiting for him in the kitchen, where John had started the coffee. He was pouring the first cup when he heard footsteps coming from the other bedroom.

“Impeccable timing.” He turned to pass the coffee to Beth.

But when he saw her face, his motion was arrested. She was looking at him with a mix of apprehension and anxiety. His gaze shifted to the open door of her bedroom where her suitcase was straddling the threshold.

He gave it a long look, then, in a measured move, set the cup of coffee on the counter.

She swallowed hard and wet her lips. “The network wants me back.”

He didn’t say anything. He didn’t move, just stared straight into her woeful eyes.

“I had… uh… There were several messages in variousforms left on my phone overnight. Brady’s out. They want me to executive produceCrisis Point. They want me to begin with a retelling of Crissy Mellin’s story. A comprehensive two-hour episode, over which I’m guaranteed full authority and autonomy.”

Somehow, he managed to draw in enough breath to speak. “That’s great. Congratulations.”

She took a step toward him. “John—”

“When are you leaving?” He glanced at the telltale suitcase. “Immediately, I gather.”

“John, it’s for Max.” She clasped her hands at her waist and made a begging gesture with them. “His final words to me were about the Emmy. He said, ‘Get it for me, Beth.’” Tears filled her eyes. “I have no aspirations of accomplishing that, but I owe him this story. I owe it to myself. I can’t turn down this opportunity.”

“Of course not. Do you need a ride to the airport?”

“Actually, I’m not flying out of New Orleans. The network flew two crews down here to cover the eclipse in totality, which wasn’t in New York. They came by private jet. They’re regrouping at an FBO about an hour’s drive from here. I’m to fly back with them.”

“Private jet. Wow. You’re getting perks already.”

“John, please listen. Don’t—”

“I’ll drive you to the FBO.”

“No. You need to stay with Molly. I thought I could ride to the hospital with you and hire a car from there.”