Page 64 of The Shots You Take

Riley smiled slightly. “Yes.”

“I think that’s cool. It’s probably nice to be a part of a tight community.”

“I think you basicallyarepart of it now.”

Adam huffed. “Nah. But—” Instead of finishing his sentence he said, “You going to work today?”


“Oh.” The single syllable was loaded with concern.

Riley exhaled. “I’m sorry about last night.”

“Don’t be. But are you sure you’re good to go to the shop? No one would blame you for taking more time.”

“I’ll be okay. And I don’t work tomorrow, so.”

“All right.”

He could tell Adam had questions that he wasn’t letting himself ask. Riley took a guess at some of them.

“I’ve been getting professional help for my, um, stuff. I have a therapist I’ve been talking to for years, and I take medication. I was diagnosed with clinical depression and an emotional dysregulation disorder. Probably not a big surprise, but yeah. That’s me.”

“Emotional dysregulation,” Adam repeated quietly.

“Right. I’ve been mostly managing okay since moving back here and getting diagnosed and all that, but then, well. Things got bad last week.”

“God, Riley. I’m so sorry. I made it so much worse, didn’t I?”

“No,” Riley said quickly, then amended, “Okay, yeah. You did. But…I’m not sorry you’re here.”

“You’re not?” He could feel Adam’s surprised gaze on him, so he turned his head to meet it.

“Not anymore.”

Adam’s lips curved into an achingly sweet smile.

Riley found it hard to tear his attention away from those lips. He had a muddy memory of Adam saying something last night about wanting to earn Riley’s kisses. About wanting to do things right. Had he meant it? Riley was too scared to ask.

And if he did mean it, what exactly was Adam hoping for? A fling while he was in town, or more? What would “more” even look like? A long-distance relationship with Adam visiting as often as possible? Would Riley go to Toronto? And if Rileydidgo to Toronto, what would that be like? Would they hide in Adam’s house the whole time? Would they go on dates? Would Adam be open about their relationship?

Relationship. Jesus. Was that possible?

Riley couldn’t quite imagine a world where Adam Sheppard, one of the most celebrated Toronto Northmen players ever, would publicly be in a relationship with Riley Tuck. He was sure no one else could either.

But could Adam picture that?Didhe picture that?

“Um,” Riley said, still staring at Adam’s lips, “you got plans today?”

“I’m meeting Cathy later to talk about the banquet.”

“Right.” Because that was something else Adam was doing for him. Another sweet, stubborn gesture that showed Riley he cared about him. Despite everything Riley had said to him this week, Adam was still here, and he was trying so hard. Riley didn’t need to ask him if he’d meant what he’d said about wanting to get things right between them. He was showing it constantly.

Suddenly, Riley really wanted Adam to meet his friends. “Do you want to go to the farmers market before I go to work?”

Adam lit up. “There’s a farmers market? Hell yes I want to go.”

* * *