Something must have shown on his face because Riley tapped his foot against Adam’s ankle again and said, “I was thinking we could go to this beach I know. Maybe have a bonfire.”
Adam smiled. “Sounds cool.”
He learned, when he was back in Riley’s brand-new truck, that Riley had planned ahead. When Adam asked about firewood, Riley said he had everything he needed in the back of the truck. Adam felt a familiar twist of pleasure and panic, his usual reaction to anything Riley said or did that seemed romantic.
“Is beer one of the things?” he asked as a way of avoiding feelings.
“Yep. Got it on ice in a cooler.”
Adam wondered what else Riley had deemed necessary for this beach date. Blankets? Champagne?Condoms?
It’s not a date, dickhead, Adam scolded himself.You might fool around a little. Whatever.
But the romance factor got cranked way the fuck up when they reached their destination. The beach was a small, lonely crescent of sand, dramatically lit by the vanishing sun. Gentle waves lazily lapped at the sand, and other than a couple of gulls, he and Riley were alone.
“Not many people come to this one,” Riley said. “There are so many around, and this one’s small and doesn’t have parking or bathrooms or anything.”
“It’s awesome,” Adam said.
Riley looked pleased.
They made their careful way over some rocks to the sand below. Adam wasn’t looking forward to navigating those rocks in total darkness later, but that was a future problem.
“We should make the fire before the light is gone,” Riley said.
Adam had no idea how to make a bonfire, so he sprawled on the blanket Riley had indeed packed and watched him work. Secretly, Adam was pretty turned on generally by Riley being good at stuff. Especially macho caveman shit. By the time the fire was blazing, Adam was half-hard.
Riley flopped on the blanket beside him. “Beer?”
“Yeah. Cool.”
Riley handed him a can. It was icy cold and dripping wet. Heaven.
For a long time, they just lay next to each other, drinking beer and talking and watching the fire. The waves kept a steady rhythm on the shore, and a crescent moon hung high above them. It felt really fucking magical.
“Have you ever seen the northern lights?” Adam asked. He was flat on his back, and Riley was sitting beside him.
“Me neither. I really want to. Where do you have to go to see them?”
Riley nudged him. “North.”
“Yeah, butwhere? Like is there a cool place to travel to see them?”
“I dunno. Iceland?”
“Sounds right. I heard they have hot springs there. Didn’t Cheesy go there with his girl last summer? I should ask him.”
“I think you have to go in the winter, to see the northern lights.”
Adam scrunched his nose. “Well, that fucking blows. I don’t have time to see anything in the winter.”
“Someday, maybe.”
Adam reached his arms over his head and gave his whole body a stretch. “Someday, Riles. You and me, sitting in a hot spring, watching the northern lights.”
“You and me,” Riley agreed quietly.