Page 22 of The Shots You Take

“It’s okay,” Adam said.

Riley shook his head. After another moment, he said, “It’s getting worse. Like the shock is wearing off, and now it just…it hurts so fucking much.”

“I’m sorry,” Adam said, because he didn’t know what else to say. He wanted Riley to keep talking.

Riley stood straighter, as if shaking off the weight of his sadness. “Lindsay is going to stay a bit longer. Her husband and kids drove back to Halifax today, but Linds is gonna stay with Mom.”

“That’s good.”

Riley nodded, then stared into the middle distance. “She’s going to sell Dad’s truck.”

Adam’s chest tightened because hegot it. How real that decision made everything. How final. “Shit,” he said. “That’s a lot.”

For a moment, Riley’s gaze met his, and Adam saw gratitude in his eyes. Then Riley blinked and looked away. “It’s just a truck. I don’t know why it bothers me.”

“I do,” Adam said gently.

Riley blinked again, and then again. His eyes were wet. “Yeah,” he said. “Shit.”

He covered his mouth with his hand, then turned his backto Adam. Without hesitating, Adam walked behind the count­er and put a hand on Riley’s shoulder. “It’s okay.”

Riley’s large body shook under Adam’s palm, his face turned away. Adam wanted so badly to pull him into his arms and hold him. To kiss his temple and whisper comforting words. But that wasn’t what this was. This was a man who probably wished anyone but Adam was here with him now.

Finally, Riley blew out a breath, and said, “Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize,” Adam said quickly.

“I shouldn’t—” Riley didn’t finish his sentence, but Adam jumped on the opportunity.

“You can, though. You need someone right now, and it can be me.”

Riley braced his hands on the countertop. “It really can’t.”

Adam’s heart sank. “I know I haven’t been a good friend,” he tried.

Riley snorted.

“But,” Adam continued, “I miss you.”

“Youmiss me?” Riley turned his head to face him, eyes burning with anger rather than tears now. “Are you fucking serious?”


In two long strides, Riley had Adam pinned against the wall. “You don’t get tomiss me.”

Adam had reached his limit. He bumped his chest against Riley’s, refusing to cower. “Why not? You fucking ghosted me, Riley. You went to Dallas without a word to me about it, and then fucking quit hockey? I tried to call you! For weeks I tried to call you and text you. Then when you finally talked to me, it was to tell me to stop contacting you.”

“Because I had to fucking spell it out for you.”

“Then how am I the asshole here?”

Riley’s jaw was so tight Adam worried his teeth would shatter.

“I could have helped you,” Adam said desperately. “Whatever you were going through, I could have helped.”

“Youwere what I was going through!”

Time seemed to freeze as both men breathed loudly and angrily against each other. Then Lucky wandered out from the back room, looking concerned.