Riley kissed his forehead. “I’ll be right back.”
He left the bed and headed for the door, removing his underwear on the way. Adam got his first look at Riley’s ass in years, and he was not disappointed.
He gazed up at the wood ceiling beams and smiled. He felt dangerously, deliriously happy, and he hoped Riley felt the same way.
Riley returned in a minute with a damp cloth, and wearing,to Adam’s delight, a silk floral-print robe that hit Riley about midthigh.
“What?” Riley asked when he noticed Adam staring.
“I was hoping you’d still be naked but, uh. I like this better.”
Riley ran a hand over the robe. “Yeah?”
“It’s fucking sexy, Riles. Come here.”
Riley smiled as he approached the bed. He cleaned Adam quickly, then let Adam pull him down for a kiss.
“You love beautiful things,” Adam murmured as he slid a hand up Riley’s thigh.
“I do,” Riley agreed as he gazed into Adam’s eyes.
“I want you to have every beautiful thing.”
“I don’t need everything.”
Adam swore the unsaid words were there, lingering in the inches between them:I just need you. He almost said them himself because he felt them with his whole body.
“I can stay, right?” Adam asked. “I can sleep with you?”
Riley brushed his fingers through Adam’s hair. “You always could have.”
“I wish I had.” Christ, they’d lived alone. What had Adam been so scared of?
Riley kissed him. The silk felt like cool water against Adam’s heated skin. “Stay,” Riley said.
Chapter Twenty-Six
Riley woke the next morning with Adam Sheppard in his arms.
He’d thought, as he’d drifted off to sleep last night, that he may feel overwhelmed in this moment. Maybe he’d even start panicking or spiraling or be taken on some other involuntary emotional adventure. He’d never been good at navigating highs or lows.
Instead, with his body curled around Adam’s, his arm draped across Adam’s chest, both men completely naked, Riley only felt wonderfully, uncomplicatedly calm.
Adam was lying on his good shoulder, his back to Riley. The bad shoulder was close to Riley’s lips, so he kissed it, very gently. Last night had been perfect in so many ways. He’d loved introducing Adam to his friends, and he’d loved Adam being brave enough to come out to a room full of near strangers simply because they were people who were important to Riley.
And later, at home, dancing with Adam in his living room, holding him, kissing him. Then taking him to bed for sex that was, yes, not unlike the frantic rutting against each other that they used to rely on, but had also been so different from anything they’d done before. For the first time, there had beenno signs of panic from Adam. They’d been able to take their time, to check in, and to enjoy the afterglow.
And now Adam was still here. Riley wanted to stay in bed all morning, but Lucky was pacing around downstairs and needed to be let outside. With a sigh and a final kiss to Adam’s shoulder, Riley dragged himself out of bed.
Outside, he whistled the Emmylou Harris song he had danced to with Adam. He smiled at the hyacinths beside his deck that were just about to bloom. He smiled at the sunny sky. He smiled at Lucky inspecting the yard. He smiled while he cleaned up after Lucky. A few days ago he’d thought he would never smile again, and now he couldn’t stop. He knew it was temporary, but it felt so fucking good to be happy. Just like it had felt so fucking good to have Adam’s hands on him, to kiss him, to lose himself in the rush of sex. He wanted to do it again.
Back inside, he gave Lucky his food, then hurried back upstairs. Adam was sitting up in bed, hair disheveled.
“Hi,” Adam said. He blinked, and for a moment he looked confused. “I thought you’d left.”
“I was just letting Lucky out. I’m back now.” Riley climbed back on the bed and leaned into Adam. The bedsheet slipped, revealing Adam’s erection. “That for me?” Riley asked, then kissed Adam as best he could. He really couldn’t stop smiling.
“Riles, wait.”