Riley couldn’t look away from how close Adam’s lips were to his neck. He could feel Adam’s breath, and he helplessly tilted his head, just slightly. “You can use some,” he said in a near whisper, “if you want.”
Adam stepped back, smiling. “It’s okay. I can just smell it on you.”
Sometimes Riley wanted to shake Adam, because fine. Hegot it. Adam wasn’t gay and was oblivious to how flirtatious he often sounded. He somehow didn’t notice the constant battle Riley fought to keep himself from kissing him: at home, at work, in these hotel rooms. Whenever Adam chose to lounge on Riley’s bed when they watched TV instead of staying on his own bed (often). Whenever he pressed their foreheads together to murmur words of encouragement or praise before, during, or after games (more often). Whenever he laughed at something Riley said (fucking constantly, Riley was in serious trouble).
Riley was going to buy a crate of Lacoste Pour Homme.
* * *
“If I win the million dollars, I’ll split it with you,” Adam said.
“It’s more likely that you’ll win another Coke,” Riley said, as he handed Adam one of the two bottles of Cherry Coke he’d bought.
“Then I’ll share that with you.”
They stepped out of the bodega onto…somethingth street. Or avenue. Riley wasn’t sure. He’d lost track of where they were several blocks ago.
“It’s fine,” Adam had said when Riley had pointed out they were lost. “We can use the Empire State Building to find our way back. Or get a cab.”
Riley wasn’t overly concerned with being lost. He was tired, his leg hurt, and the night was cold—he should have worn a hat—but he was in no hurry to get back to the hotel.
“I’m pretty sure Times Square is this way,” Adam said, and began walking.
“Is that where we’re going?”
Adam smiled and shrugged. “Why not, right?”
Riley was sure Adam had no idea where Times Square was, but he didn’t care. If they ended up in Philadelphia, so be it.
“Did you win?” Adam asked.
Riley read the inside of his bottle cap. “Nope.”
“Me neither.”
A moment later, Adam said, “I was thinking we should get a plasma screen TV.”
“I don’t even really know what that is.”
“They’re sick. It’s, like, supergood picture. Like crystal clear. Jakey got one. He said it’s like beingata football game.”
Riley didn’t think there was anything wrong with the TV they had, but he indulged him. “Do you even follow football?”
“Sometimes. But you can watch anything!”
Riley’s lips twitched. “Thatisa good feature.”
Adam elbowed him. “I’m just saying they’re dope and we should get one.”
“How much are they?”
“I dunno. Like ten grand, I think?”
Riley struggled not to spit out his Cherry Coke. “Seriously?”