Page 53 of The Shots You Take


“There’s nothing else to know.” Riley handed her the box.

“Jesus, this is heavy.” She put the box on the table behind her. “And fine. Don’t tell me. But I think it would do you some good to talk about it. All I’ve pieced together is that things got bad for you after you stopped talking to him. I’d like to know if I should go out there and punch him or what.”

Riley snorted. “You don’t need to punch him.”

“I will, though. If that hockey superstar is bothering you…”

Riley smiled at that. “Thank you.” He remembered that Lindsay had been the one to listen to him when he’d hit rock bottom, and she’d been the one to convince him to come home. He owed her a lot. He glanced quickly at the door, lowered his voice, and said, “The thing with Adam is that I was in love with him for years.”

Lindsay placed a hand on his shoulder. “Unrequited, I take it.”


“I’m sorry. Does he know?”


“Oh.” She was silent a moment, then said, “But he’s here.”


“I mean, he must not be horrified by your feelings for him, if he’s here.”

Riley stared at her. “He’s a bit late.”

“Is he?”

“For fuck’s sake, Linds,yes. I was twenty-four years old when I told him. I’ve moved on. We both have.”

“If you say so.”

With a huff, Riley turned back to the shelf to grab another box of pucks.

“I’m just saying,” Lindsay said, “what I see is a handsome man who obviously cares about you a lot. There are worse places to start.”


“Start letting someone in, Riley.”

Riley dropped the box of pucks next to the first one on the table with a thud. “No thanks.”

“I know the timing isn’t great, but I wish—”

“Nope. But if you love Adam Sheppard so much, you should head to the Dropped Anchor tonight. Apparently he’s going to be the guest of honor.”

Lindsay wrinkled her nose. “Yeah, I’m not going there.”

“I forgot you’re big city now. Too fancy for us townies.”

“I’m too fancy forthatplace. But so is, like, a bag of trash. Are you going?”

“Fuck no.”

“You should go! Go relive your glory days with the boys.” She playfully punched his arm a couple of times. “Go talk about all the goals you scored and all the undiagnosed concussions you had.”

“Sounds horrible.”