Page 51 of The Shots You Take

“Hi, I’m Adam. Shep, if you like.”

The man vigorously shook his hand and said, “Yes, sir, Shep. I’m Lawrence.”

“Nice to meet you.” Adam counted backward in his head:3…2…

“Can I get a photo with you?” Lawrence asked as he fumbled his phone out of his coat pocket. “Would you mind?”

“Of course.”

Adam took photos with Lawrence, then Steve, then a woman who’d just entered the store. He’d just finished with that photo when he heard, “Egomaniac.”

He turned and found Riley standing right behind him, his lips curved up slightly.

“Hi,” Adam said, a little breathlessly.

“You brought coffee.”

“I did.”


“Everything okay?”

“Yeah,” Riley said on an exhale. “Fine. And, uh, thanks. Cathy’s great, but she can be a lot.”

“No problem.”

“You don’t have to host the minor hockey banquet, obviously.”

“Are you kidding? She said there’s going to be pizza. I’m totally there.”

For a moment, Riley’s eyes almost looked…affectionate. “Did you sleep okay?”

“I slept great. That bed is amazing. Plus I got to listen to the ocean all night. Incredible.”

“How’s your shoulder?”

“Much better.” It was sort of true.

The door chimed, and a group of four people entered the store. They spotted Adam immediately and smiled excitedly.

“Do you want me to hang out for a bit?” Adam asked. “Maybe sign some stuff? Hey, it could be a reopening special—I’ll sign anything people buy today.”

Riley’s brow furrowed. “You’d do that?”

“Sure. I like it here. And I don’t have plans today.” He snapped his fingers. “Except—would you come to the Dropped Anchor with me tonight?”

Riley recoiled slightly. “Why?”

“They’re watching the Northmen game there. I was invited by a young man named Seb.”

“Seb Gallant, probably.” Riley rubbed his beard thoughtfully. “I guess he’s not unattractive.”

“Shut it, I didn’t mean like that. Jesus, Riles. No.”

Riley’s slight smile returned. “I know.”

“So will you come? I get it if that’s too much people in one day for you.” Something else occurred to Adam. “Or, oh, right. I get it if you don’t want to go to a bar.”