Page 38 of The Shots You Take

“Can Lucky eat bacon?” Adam asked.

“He can, but he shouldn’t. Here.” Riley tossed a chunk of scrambled eggs on the floor, and Lucky swooped in to gobble it up.

“How old is he?”

“Eight, but he’s still full of energy.”

“He seems like a good friend.”

“The best,” Riley agreed.

When it became clear that Riley wasn’t going to share more food with him, Lucky retreated to the back room for a nap. Adam explored the shop while Riley picked at his breakfast.

“Sign any more autographs at Paula’s this morning?” Riley asked.

“A couple. I had a bit of a wait.”

“People are going to start showing up there with your jersey.”

Adam smiled. “I’ll enjoy it while it lasts. People will forget about me soon enough.”

Riley suspected Adam would be signing autographs for many years to come. He’d broken every record for Toronto defensemen, and a couple of records for NHL defensemen. He’d be in the Hall of Fame soon, and he’d always be a hero to Toronto fans. He was, without exaggeration, a living legend.

And he’d brought Riley breakfast.

“How are the eggs?” Adam asked.


“They’re probably cold, aren’t they? Sorry about that.”

“It’s okay.”

“There’s coffee there too. With milk.”

Adam seemed nervous, which was annoying. “I saw the coffee. Thanks.”

“Hey, um,” Adam said, “there’s something I want to tell you.”

Riley swallowed a bit of cold toast. “Okay.”

For a long moment, Adam didn’t say anything, and Riley suspected the noisy heater hadn’t been the only thing keeping him awake last night.

“You don’t have to tell me anything,” Riley offered.

“I’m gay.”

Maybe it was the lack of sleep, or the way grief had fucked up Riley’s brain, or maybe it was the surrealness of hearing Adam say those words after so many years, but Riley started laughing.

“I’m serious,” Adam said.

Riley covered his mouth with his hand, knowing his reaction was horrible. “I know. I’m sorry.” He snorted around his hand, then laughed harder.

Adam looked devastated, and that seemed funny too. Suddenly every horrible moment of Riley’s life seemed fucking hilarious. Riley waved a hand in an attempt to explain he had no control here. He was rattling apart, and Adam was just going to have to witness it.

“Riley,” Adam said, in his captain voice. So serious. So ridiculous. Riley walked away, trying desperately to stop laughing.

Of course Adam was gay. Of course he washereand finally confessing thisnowwhen Riley was teetering on the edge of a cliff. Words Riley had only ever dreamed of hearing him say. Actually, he’d never needed to hear them. He’d just needed Adam to admit that he felt the way Riley did.