Page 121 of The Shots You Take


“Shep, it’s a garden. It’s a hobby. You just told me you want me to be the happy ending to your life story, so yeah. I’m choosing you over beans.” He paused, eyes going wide. “Thatiswhat you were saying, right?”

Adam laughed soggily. “Yeah, Riles. That’s what I was saying.”

Chapter Thirty-Two

Riley arrived in Toronto the day before Adam’s operation. He spotted Adam right away in the domestic arrivals section of the airport because there were at least six people gathered around him, getting autographs and selfies.

Adam’s face lit up when he spotted Riley.

“My friend is here,” Adam said, politely but firmly. “Excuse me.” He stepped out of the circle of fans and into Riley’s arms.

“You need a fake mustache,” Riley said as he wrapped Adam in the kind of friendly, manly hug that wouldn’t raise eyebrows.

Adam patted him twice on the back. “I was thinking about growing a beard. I might get recognized less.”

“Still hoping to be a bear, are you?”

Adam laughed, then his lips brushed Riley’s ear as he said, “God, you look good.”


They broke apart and began walking toward the parking garage, Riley wheeling his small suitcase behind him. “How was your flight?”

“Fine. Short. No legroom.”

“I really appreciate you being here. I know you’re busy, andI know you’d probably rather be anywhere on earth than Toronto in July, but I’m glad you’re here. Thanks.”

Riley nudged him with his elbow. “I can think of worse places to be.”

Adam smiled, but it didn’t last. “I feel bad, making you give up the best part of the year in Avery River to be my nurse for two weeks.”

“You’re not making me do anything. I have my whole life to enjoy summers back home. Being here with you is important.” Riley nudged him again. “And it’s not two weeks. It’s three.”



“Riles, no. You can’t—”

“I did a bit of research, and it sounds like you’ll need help for at least three weeks, and I know that’s when the kids get back from France, so I figure you might have some extra hands then. But until then, I’m staying. So deal with it.”

Adam’s pinkie brushed against Riley’s hand. “Well, I guess that’s okay.”

* * *

“You did say you live alone, right?” Riley asked as he stared up at Adam’s giant house.


He glanced at Adam and then back at the house. “Just checking.”

“I know it’s big for one person, but the kids stay with me sometimes.”

“Remind me how many kids you have again? Twenty-six?”

“Okay, fuck off.”