“No offense, Dad, but I can think of like a million places I’d rather go,” said Cole.
“I want to go to Costa Rica,” said Lucy.
“Ethan said he’d take me to New York,” said Cole.
“I’vetaken you to New York!”
“Yeah, but we didn’t go to the Nintendo store,” said Cole. “Ethan’s a gamer too.”
Adam sighed. Was there even anything at the Nintendo store that Cole didn’t own already? “We can go on a trip somewhere if you want. I’d love to do that. Really.”
“When?” Lucy asked. “We’re going to France with Mom and Ethan this summer.”
“Iknow. And I probably can’t travel this summer anyway. I’ll need a few weeks to heal after my surgery.”
“When’s that?” Lucy asked.
“July seventh. Got the date today, actually.”
“That’s when we’re in France.”
“Well. That’s okay.”
“But won’t you need help?” Lucy said.
“I’m sure I’ll manage. I’ve got friends who will help out.”
“What about Riley? Can he help?”
“Oh, well. Probably not. He runs a store, so he’s pretty busy. And I don’t think he’s a fan of Toronto, really. And summers are so gross here.”
Lucy scoffed.
“What?” Adam asked.
“He sounds like a shit boyfriend. He won’t look after you after surgery?”
“He’snotmy boyfriend. And I haven’taskedhim to look after me. And I don’tneedsomeone to look after me.”
“You do, though,” Lucy said. “You’ve been, like, really depressing since the divorce.”
“I have not.”
Lucy’s tone turned more serious. “Yeah, you have. You were always busy when you played hockey, but now you’re just, like, this bored, lonely guy.”
“I’m—maybe a little.”
“You need a boyfriend,” she concluded. “And a hobby.”
Adam considered this and realized he didn’t have a single hobby. “Well. Maybe I’ll take up…model trains?”
Cole laughed. “I can’t believe anyone thinks you’re cool.”
“I’m very cool. And, fine. You suggest a hobby then.”
“MMOs,” Cole said without hesitating.
“M M whats?”