Page 104 of The Shots You Take

They both laughed because it was ridiculous, being in their forties and making out in a storage closet. But Adam was leaving tomorrow, and Riley was feeling a little reckless.

He opened the door and made sure the coast was clear before they stepped into the hallway.

“Oh, man,” Adam said. “You look like you were getting groped in a closet.”

Riley glanced down at his clothes, then at Adam. “So do you.” Adam’s hair was a mess and his shirt was close to being untucked. His lips were swollen and his cheeks were pink, and Riley hoped he didn’t look quite as ravished.

“Here,” Adam said, and began smoothing out Riley’s hair with his hands.

“We’re too old for this,” Riley said as he attempted to make his shirt look less rumpled.

“I don’t ever want to be too old for this.” Adam’s eyes were glinting with joy and mischief, and Riley wanted to haul him right back into the storage room.

“Oh, there you are,” said Cathy’s voice from behind them.

Riley closed his eyes, as if that might make him disappear.

“Hey, Cathy,” Adam said smoothly. “Need help with something?”

“No, no. It’s just that Warren was hoping to talk to you for a minute. He writes local news stories for CBC. Is that okay?”

“No problem. I hope he’s in the pizza room because I’m starving.”

Cathy smiled. “I’ll tell him to meet you there. And Adam, you did such a great job tonight. We really can’t thank you enough. Wasn’t he great, Riley?”

“He was.”

“Can we book you for next year?” Cathy laughed and briefly placed a hand on Adam’s arm. “I’m just kidding.”

Adam looked at Riley. “I might be available.”

Riley bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from grinning like a lovestruck fool.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

“Am I a bear?” Adam asked out of nowhere as they drove home after the banquet.

Riley glanced over from the driver’s seat, then back at the road. “No.”

“Oh. Areyoua bear?”

“I wouldn’t say so, no.”

“You have a beard.”

“I think it takes more than that.”

Adam was silent a moment, then said, “Tom is a bear, right? Darren’s husband?”


“Okay, yeah. That makes sense.”

“Why are you interested in bears all of a sudden?”

“I’m not. I just find so many things confusing. What would you say I am then?”

“An idiot,” Riley said fondly.