Page 92 of The Long Game

Relief settles over me. I won’t have to wait for a condom.

“I haven’t been with anyone in over eleven months. Before New Orleans.”

“The injury?” I rub my forehead with embarrassment… I did that.

“No, baby. I wanted to prove to you that I could. I love you, Lexi. I always have. And I wish I would have proven that to you sooner. It would have saved us a lot of wasted years.”

“I’m sorry, too. I shouldn’t have been so scared.”

“Are you sure about this?” he asks.

“I’m on birth control,” I confirm to let him know how serious I am.

“I don’t care about that. I want everything with you, Lexi. Everything.”

He leans in and takes my mouth with his as he pulls at his boxers to slip them off.

He lines himself up and pushes up against me. His eyes are fixated on mine. He’s protecting me like he always does. Ready to change course if I change my mind. But I won’t. Never again will I deny Tucker.

I want everything with him, too.

He gives me more of him. Feeling every groove of his cock as he pushes inside of me is a new sensation. The friction of going without a condom is unbearably addictive.

“Goddamn it, Lex. I can fucking feel everything,” Tucker growls as he tries to keep himself together.

I wrap my fingers through his hair and draw him closer.

“I want to feel your cum in me,” I say as I already know I’m nearly at my peak.

“Jesus Christ, Lexi.” He growls louder. “You can’t say that to a man and expect him to hold out any longer.”

“Then don’t hold out.”

The warning sign of my own climax begins to show.

“Are you sure? Lexi, please baby. Tell me it’s ok.”

“I want it.” I say just as my body starts to spiral towards my climax.

Tucker releases hard inside of me. The feeling of knowing Tucker just filled me more than I’ve ever been filled before triggers my own orgasm.

That night, he and I have a first at the same time. Unprotected sex. But it doesn’t feel unprotected. Tucker promised to always protect me since the accident at the lake house and I should have never doubted him.

We don’t fall asleep until four in the morning. The electricity turned back on around midnight, but we kept all the lights off anyway and the fire burning.

I stay wrapped in his arms as we talk about what our future might look like from tonight on.

We discuss his football career. He offers to retire and stay here. I refuse to let him give up on his childhood dreams with Luca. They need a Super Bowl win together. Next year will be the year they make that dream a reality; I encourage him to continue. Indianapolis isn’t far. We will make it work for as long as Tucker wants to stay in the NFL.

As soon as I make V.P. my travel schedule will decrease significantly, too.

The discussion of next year brings about the conversation of finishing the house. Tucker asks me to move in with him when the house is finished and I accept. Until then, Desh offered Tucker his guest house to live in. Using the next six months to truly date feels good for us, even though, truth be told, I want him in my bed every night.

I have a feeling he won’t be sleeping much in the guest house.

The design of the house takes on a whole new view for me. We’re now discussing the renovation like a couple. I am picturing myself in the house with him instead of how the house would function for a bachelor.

Everything else we decide to set aside for now. We have time to figure things out. The one big future decision we make is to take my mom up on going back to the lake house like the old days. I won’t be able to take six weeks off work with all our big mergers coming to head by then, but I will make sure to carve out a full week.