Page 85 of The Long Game

“You should head home. I’ll be right there as soon as I can. Or maybe we should leave your car here, and you should come with me,” Tucker says.

“I’ll be fine. I have a few things I need to finish first. I’ll meet you there.”

“Don’t take long. I don’t like knowing you’re not safely at home.”

“I know.” I smirk at the idea of how overly protective Tucker can be about my safety.

He’s proved that enough times.

He leans down to kiss my forehead.

“I can’t kiss you on the lips again or I’ll never leave,” he says.

“Go!” I chuckle.

He turns to leave but then looks over his shoulder at me as he walks out of my office.

Tonight is going to be interesting.

Chapter Twenty-Three


I couldn’t stop glancing down at the time on my phone. Tucker had been longer than I thought.

I had spent an extra thirty minutes getting out a few more emails before I left, and I figured he’d be right behind me with how urgent he seemed.

A nock raps at my door and I’m relieved as I see Tucker standing on the other side of the glass.

“I thought you changed your mind.”

“Not a damn chance. When I showed up at your brother’s, Tom was there. We packed both rigs with everything Brielle could fit in both of them. Baby needed a lot of shit.”

“Yeah, well she’s nervous.”

“Then, I had to help unpack everything at your parents.”

“Did you tell my parents you’re staying tonight? The Benson Villa might be full. “

“What about this Benson Villa? Is she open tonight?” He can’t hold back. His smile spreads wide over his face.

“I don’t know. What’s in it for me?”

“I drove four hours, risking life and limb to stay here with you through the storm. Least you could do is let me stay here and feed you.”

“Feed me?”

“Yeah, I brought groceries.”

I roll my eyes. “Of course, you did. Can’t trust I have a stocked fridge, can you?”

“Not if the past is any indication. I need a lot to keep my muscles looking this fucking irresistible. And who knows how long this storm is going to last or if we get snowed in.” He looks me over from bottom to top. “God, I hope we get snowed in.” I give him a light push to his shoulder as he walks back out to the rented SUV to get his things.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” I yell out of the open door, even though my nipples have already peaked at the idea of what tonight might bring.

He turns, and throws up his hands into the sky like a giant Y.

“Blizzards make people do crazy things, Lex,” he yells. “And you and I are going to do some crazy things!” he yells even louder. He’s trying to embarrass me in front of my neighbors. But lucky for me, I work too many hours a week. I barely see them, anyway.