The waiter brought back Tucker’s card and Tucker signed the bill.
As he walked me to my car, the cool winter Chicago night swirled around us. The thought of snuggling up under my blanket on the couch with Tucker sipping on beer next to me while I drink a warm chai tea, gave me all the tingles. Askinghim back to my place. Were we there yet? Would he immediately assume sex? Was I ready for that? My time was running out as we stopped in front of my car.
Before he opened the door for me, he waited for me to turn around and face him.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked.
I tried to hide the smile demanding to burst from my lips. Goosebumps raced down my arms at his request.
Yes! Please!
Instead, I didn’t answer. I pressed my hands against his muscular pecks. Slowly, my hands journeyed up his body and over his shoulders. I took a step into him as my fingers settled on the back his neck. My breasts pressed firmly against his thick chest, and then I pushed up on my tippy toes and pressed my lips softly onto his.
Our kiss was slow and sweet.
His hands swept around my hips and settled over my butt, pulling me closer against him.
There was no panicked rush between us now. Both of us wanted to savior each moment.
He pulled away first and it took me by surprise. I suspected he’d have me half undressed and laying on top of me in the back seat of my car by now, if I let him.
“What?” I ask.
“This isn’t how this happens.”
“How what happens?”
“You’ll see,” he says as he take a step to the side and reaches for my car’s door handle.
He opens my door for me and I slide in to the leather seat. When he closes it, he steps back a few steps and watched me as I drive away.
My heart beats wildly as I watch Tucker stand on the curb, still watching me leave. I wish now that I hadn’t drove off so soon. I wish I would have demanded more information.
I’ll be up tossing a turning for the rest of the night wondering what he meant. But at least I’ll be tossing and turning with a recent taste of Tucker on my tongue.
The next weekend, Tucker and Luca lose their game away. They were only three more games from a chance at the Super Bowl. I know this loss is going to hurt.
Lexi: I’m sorry about the loss. You played well, though.
Tucker: Thanks. It sucks. I thought Luca and I might have had a shot this year.
Lexi: What’s the plan now?
Tucker: Season’s over. I’m coming home.
He’s coming home. Excitement and nerves fill me.
Lexi: Coming home to Chicago?
Technically, Tucker still has a condo in Indianapolis.
Tucker: Coming home to you.