She looks at me as I step up to the "starting line". "Ready… set… go!" she yells.
But just as she takes her first step, I wrap my arm around her waist and fling her body over my shoulder as I race up the stairs with her on my back.
"Tucker Brennen Evans, you’re cheating!"
I’ve never figured out why I smile like an idiot when she uses my full name, but I can’t help it. It’s the tone she uses when addressing me that way. She sounds stern with a hint of irritation, and there is nothing in this entire world I have ever loved doing more than getting a rise out of Lexi Simone Benson.
She’s slapping my back with the pressure of a gnat and pretends to wiggle out of my hold as I haul her up the long staircase.
As soon as I get to the top of the stairs, I strategically flip her back to her feet, setting her down on the second to the last stair as I take a dramatic step to the top of the landing, as she watches me do it.
"I win," I smirk.
Lexi’s eyes widen. "Cheated, more like!"
She takes the step up to the landing and rams her hands into my chest as hard as she can. Lexi isn’t capable of making me move, even if she gets a running start, but it’s fucking cute when she does it. So, I pretend that her shove affects me and I stagger backwards a couple steps.
She winds up again pushing me back, this time a little harder and I back up into a wall I didn’t know was there and neither did Lexi.
Lexi crashes into me and I grip my arm around her waist to steady her. When she looks up at me, my self-control snaps and I can see it in her eyes that hers has too.
"You play dirty."
"Baby, you have no idea."
My eyes flicker down to her lips, and she breathes out low and slow. She wants me to kiss her… better yet, she’s going to let me kiss her.
Thank God.
Just as I’m wrapping my mind around my next move, the doorbell rings.
I look down at my watch, and sure enough, it’s the pizza delivery. I had called from the usual place we’ve ordered from since I was a kid staying at the Benson’s. Of course, today of all days, the pizza arrives on time.
Lexi sobers up quickly from the moment we just had and takes a step away from me, but her eyes are still lingering on my mouth.
I walk down the stairs towards the door, cursing the food delivery idea. I should have cooked for her instead. I pay for the pizzas and when I turn around, Lexi isn’t behind me. I head to the kitchen to find her leaning over the massive granite countertop.
I plop the pizza boxes at the end of the table and grab a slice. I need to stuff my face before I blow my cover. I need a second to collect my thoughts and get back on track. This is a long game and I need to remember what my goals are tonight. Keep the ball moving forward toward the end zone.
Lexi breaks the silence.
"So, what’s your plan with the house then? Are you going to move in as is?" Her voice is a little too high pitch.
"I was hoping to convince you to be the lead on the full remodel." Lexi eyes me with suspicion… she knows me too well, as she grabs a slice herself.
"I still have a little over half a season left so I won’t be needing the house for a while. That’s why I told Mr. McKinny he could take his time moving out. I figure by the time my season is out, Carl will be out of the house and demolition can start. I’d like to have plans drawn up and ready on day one.
"Since I won’t be living in the home, I’m hoping things can work quick enough to get the house ready before next season starts."
"That’s a pretty short timeline for a full remodel."
"Yeah, I know. But I have the funding to have more than one crew running at a time if that’s an option. Being in by the start of the season is a requirement – whatever it takes."
"You have a condo in Indianapolis, right? What’s the rush?" she asks.
"I’m ready to be settled somewhere that feels like home. The penthouse in Seattle never felt like home. Just a landing place to sleep and eat when I wasn’t at practice or at an away game.