Page 62 of The Long Game

I used football as an excuse for so long and because I was good, no one questioned my motives to focus on football and football only. Well, except for recently when the media started labeling me a serial dater, incapable of a committed relationship.

They called me a man whore, and it wasn’t untrue… but I’d slowed down quite a bit since college. And since the accident in New Orleans, I haven’t been with anyone. It’s a personal record, of sorts.

"Honest to God, Luca, I haven’t seen myself spending ‘life after football’ with anyone but Lexi. Hell, Iwantedher in this football life with me. She told me in Los Angeles that she wanted more time to make this big promotion. I couldn’t understand how she could choose a job over us. Hearing you lay it all out like that,I’m a fucking idiot." I ran my hands through my hair again and braced my back against the chair, folding my arms across my chest as I stared at the diamond ring perched inside the velvety jewelry box.

Did I even deserve Lexi? I’d been obsessed with her for so long now and I was questioning if I ever really knew her. If I’d ever actually taken the time to get to know her.

I had done everything wrong and now, any animosity I held against her for not running into my arms years ago, was gone as I realized the biggest obstacle we had, was me. Just like she had said.

I sat there for a second debating whether I should still follow through with my plans. Maybe she’d be better off without me. Maybe she needed someone more attentive to her. Someone who would have pulled their head out of their ass a long time ago. I always knew she was talented. I always thought she could do anything, be anything, she wanted to be.

I may or may not be good enough for Lexi, but I’m a selfish bastard and I’m going to pursue her with everything I have until she tells me she doesn’t want me ever again, and not a minute before.

"I can’t believe my dad went with you to pick out this ring," Luca said as he held the small ring box in his hand, gently rotating it to see the facets sparkle in the light of the kitchen chandelier.

"Me either. Guess your mom told him it was about time I came to my senses."

Brielle and Luca both laughed

"Of course, she would have known before us. She’s a goddamn wizard." Luca laughs. "She pegged Brielle and I the first time she met her. Brielle hated me with the burning power of three suns."

"That’s not true!" Brielle demands.

"Shhh, you’ll wake the baby," Luca says in a sarcastic, teasing tone.

Brielle leans over for a kiss, squeezing his cheek as they both laugh.

I hoped in five years’ time, I was sitting in our kitchen, in the McKinny house with our baby asleep upstairs and I was kissing Lexi at our breakfast table. I’d been longing for one person for half my life and now that I’d given into it, I’d happily trade all the lingerie models for a domesticated Lexi any day. And I would have years ago if she would have let me.

"I better get going." I stand to leave.

Brielle was the first to stand and walk around the circular breakfast table to hug me goodbye, squeezing me tight, the way all Brielle’s hugs end.

"Good luck. We’re rooting for you," she said.

I nodded and smiled, less sure of myself than when I was buying the ring.

Between Sebastian and the stuff Luca told me, my confidence took a hit. But it was half time; there was still a lot of game left before this thing was over and I needed a pep talk from the coach to get myself back on track… and I knew just the man for the job.

Chapter Eighteen

The Next Day…


Sebastian is a surprise.

Between playing cupid to his client and my corporate receptionist, taking me to a unique gallery showing, and then filling me in on his background story over burgers and beers, I found myself looking forward to seeing him across the courtyard in his office tomorrow. Not that I hadn’t enjoyed that for some time now.

Now that I knew who he was and what he went through to get it, I was impressed. His story was like starting the first three chapters of a captivating book but having to go to bed before you could finish. I was excited to hear the rest.

He dropped me off to my car at the office and waited for me to get in my car and start the engine. He waited for me to pull out of my parking spot and then followed me out of the lot. There was something innately protective about him. As if it’s not just me he would do this for, but anyone in his care.

He hadn’t tried to kiss me, and I was grateful for that. I didn’t want to worry about what last night would have meant for Sebastian and I if he had.

I usually come into the cafe for a coffee in the morning, and he’d asked if he could see me there this morning. He knew I had a big day today because I’d told him all about it. He wanted to see me before my day started. I agreed, trying to keep the blush at bay.

As I walk into the coffee shop, I spot Sebastian instantly. He’s hard to miss with his dark features and tall build.