Page 57 of The Long Game

"I’d like to introduce you to a couple of my friends."

"Oh, of course. How lovely for you two beautiful ladies to patronage my humble little art show," he says in his slight French accent.

He reaches down and takes Sonia’s hand, offering a long stare before kissing the top of her hand. She giggles…she giggles!

Then, he reaches for mine and kisses the top of it as well, but he doesn’t give me the look he gave Sonia.

I have always guessed she was beautiful in her younger years. What I couldn’t figure out was if her eccentric personality had driven men away, or if she truly just preferred life that way. I’d believe either version to be true.

As far as I knew, Sonia had never married, nor had any children of her own. Her nieces lived here in Chicago, though, and she spoke of them as if they were her very own. In fact, one of her nieces was a lawyer, as well. I wondered if Sebastian knew her… not that all lawyers know each other, but it’s possible.

Timothy begins asking us questions about ourselves, our work, and our interest in art. He redirects questions that are asked about his own art currently on display, stating once, "The art speaks for itself, so that I don’t have to". He is that kind of artist. But one of the least self-important ones I’d ever met.

After about ten minutes, another patron comes up to speak with Timothy.

"We’d better let you get back to your guests, Timothy. We have some art to see," Sebastian says as he leads me away, his hand resting gently behind my arm.

The physical connection shocks me at how natural it feels. I haven’t felt this instant chemistry with anyone I’ve dated before. It always takes a little time to feel this comfortable with a man’s hand on me, but there it is, and it feels good.

I hear Timothy call out to Sonia as we walk past.

"Give it another thirty minutes for the sun to start to set. Then you’ll have the lighting you require."

He doesn’t offer any more explanation as we walk toward the area set up for drinks and appetizers.

We do as he suggested, not admiring the paintings until the sun sets. When it does, I can’t believe what I am seeing.

Timothy had picked a warehouse with its large two-story metal siding facing the sunset. The colors of the warm amber sunset ricochet off of the building and onto the painting, offering the best mood lighting I have seen. Not only do the paintings facing the building receive the most beautiful lighting cast down from what seems like the heavens, but it positions the patron in such a way that when looking up from the painting, they are greeted with the most striking sunset. It quite literally takes my breath away. I am a sucker for a good sunset.

I stand there at the first painting, Sebastian by my side as Sonia moves onto the next. My jaw drops, and my eyes start to well just slightly. The only time I remember embracing the beauty of the sunset was at the lake house, my haven. A place I have left behind and completely forgotten in trade for my career.

The lake house is only a couple hours outside of the city but our lives are filled with the busy hustle and bustle of life.

Flashes of us as a young family vacationing there flood in, of me and Luca splashing in the lake. Me with floaty wings that caused my arms to stick straight out of my body while Luca boogie boarded with my dad. Then came the older memories. Memories of us in elementary school. Tucker starting to make an appearance. Lilly and Desh, too. Everyone else melts away, and the only person I can still see is Tucker. Standing at the end of the dock looking at me. Tucker, lying next to me on the sandy beach, reaching over to kiss me the year after the accident on the dock. Tucker laying me down for the first time and kissing away my fears. Holding me, protecting me… caring for me.

Will I ever truly be over Tucker?

Do you ever get over your first love?

"That’s the expression I had when I saw you for the first time across the way in your identical office."

Sebastian’s voice breaks me out of my trance, and I physically shake the thoughts from my mind. I am out with another man. I shouldn’t be thinking about Tucker right now.

Sebastian, the incredibly good looking, successful, and interested guy who lives in the same city, and although I’m tossing out assumptions, doesn’t have half-naked women throwing themselves at him on the regular. Although, I imagine Sebastian has had his share of being clobbered by women.

Another bonus? He works directly across from me and works more than I do. Sebastian, the guy who dethawed Sonia in two seconds flat, allowing him to slip through her impenetrable force field of a front office. Sebastian, who already broke the ice with my dad and has these incredible relationships with his clients.

This guy is beyond perfect in every possible way I can see.

After a couple hours of looking through the paintings and talking with other guests, it feels like time to leave as the sun set quite a while ago and it is starting to get dark, leaving very little light for socializing.

Sebastian said that was part of Timothy’s plan so he wouldn’t be forced to stay for hours talking about his work. Timothy truly is a unique artist.

When we find Timothy to say our goodbyes, he thanks us for coming and asks Sonia if she minds staying behind a little while longer while the other guests clear out. She is visibly blushing, and I can’t help but smile for her.

"Timothy, your work is exquisite… and the lighting tonight was genius. We’re finishing the work on a resort project in the Bahamas and my design team has been struggling to find a couple of pieces that really work with our design scheme. You wouldn’t be interested in contracting with us to do a few pieces, would you?"

"That’s quite an honor, Lexi. I’d really need to see the space to determine if I thought I could be inspired to produce somethingI would be proud enough to hang. When are you headed to the venue again?"