Dumb fucker, literally.
I pull her in closer and twist her until I’m on top of her.
"Trust me, baby, it will be even better than you imagined. I promise."
I take the time to make sure she’s wet for me. I’m not a small guy and I have no idea how many guys she’s been with. Getting this right with her is crucial.
I look into her eyes after I roll on the condom. The tip of my dick pushes up against her. My teeth clench at the tightness of Lexi’s pussy. I knew she’d be tight, I fucking knew it, but this? It’s too fucking good for the likes of me. I don’t deserve a sweet little pussy like Lexi’s.
I pull back and push gently again. She moans but it sounds off.
"You ok?" I ask.
"Yeah, you’re so big Tuck. Just a little at a time, ok?"
The cocky part of me swells. Nothing like finding out you are the biggest she’s ever been with. "Yeah baby, we can go slow. You’re so fucking tight."
I rock into her a couple more time, making sure my tip is coated thoroughly with her wetness to lubricate it.
This time I give her a little more of me to start to stretch her out.
"Ow," Lexi grimaces and puts her hands against my chest to stop my advances.
What the fuck? I know I’m big, but I’ve never caused actual pain before and I’m barely inside of her.
I immediately pull out. Her face has changed like something is horribly wrong and I pull up to look between us. There’s a little blood, not a ton, but a red tinge to the fluid between us.
She was on her period and didn’t tell me? Her time of the month wouldn’t have stopped me if that’s what she was worried about. I just would have suggested the shower for this activity, or at least a towel under us. But something tells me this isn’t what just happened.
I try to remain calm. I don’t want to embarrass her. That’s a good way to never get another chance with Lexi again.
"What’s going on Lex."
I look at the tiny blood spot on the white sheets between us and on the blood on the condom still covering my dick.
"Don’t be mad."
Oh fuck me, that’s not a good opening line.
"I knew you wouldn’t if I told you..." Her voice trails off and I quickly try to comfort her.
"I don’t care if you are on your period, Lexi."
"I’m not," she whispers and horror floods through me. No. I shouldn’t be her first. Fuck I want to be but I am not good enough to be her first.
"You’ve had boyfriends before this. That Vince kid…and…"
I have nothing else. Just the Vince kid. Luca and I ran all the others off, or at least I think we did.
"We messed around but..."
"Lexi, this is something you tell someone before you have sex with them. So much for trust, safety, and protection. That’s a bit one sided don’t you think?"
I pull back even further as I need a second to think. I walk to Lexi’s bathroom and discard the bloody condom.