Tom’s eyes go even brighter at the prospect. "Way to recover the fumble, Evans." He nods over at Sabrina. The three of us share a quick glance.
"What? Carl is selling. When did this happen? He never said anything to me. That little stinker!" Sheila is pretending to be vexed at her neighbor for leaving her out of the sale. "We share gardening tips, and he didn’t think to share this information with me last week when we talked about his petunias," she joked. "So, we’re going to be neighbors then?" Her smile widens.
I can feel Lexi gawking at me, but I’m still rushing this ball home. I won’t be distracted.
"Yeah, we agreed for him to take a few months to move. He has a couple lifetimes in that house. And I’m not in a hurry to move in. I’d like to have a contractor come in and do some renovation over the summer. I hope to be in the house before the start of next season."
My dad, who’s sitting next to me, gave me a good hardy slap on the back. "I’m proud of you, my boy. And of your sister. I’m sure she did something spectacular to get this deal for you.We’ll all be happy to have you home more. Looks like you’re accomplishing everything you set out for."
"Almost," I say as I lock eyes with Lexi.
Chapter Fourteen
Nine Years Ago – Beach House
Lexi Benson is practically naked, laying asleep in bed with me in only her panties. Last night she asked me to do things to her I only thought I’d get to do in my dreams. I don’t want to miss a single thing, but I am a creature of habit and my future career demands it. So, I tell my morning wood that he’ll have to wait.
I’m tempted to reach back between her legs to feel if she’s wet from dreaming of me, but duty calls. I kiss her forehead. I’m careful not to wake her. I throw on my running shorts and sneakers as I run out into the o-dark-thirty morning air.
A little sweat therapy isn’t the worst idea as thoughts are swirling around in my head. This is the happiest I’ve ever been. I need to come up with a plan to keep it. Then, I need to get Lexi to agree. Once that’s settled, I plan to spend the entire day upstairs with Lexi. This time, I’m thinking tongue. Licking Lexi would be the pleasure of my life.
After I get back and make breakfast, Lexi begs to take the bikes out. She looks so excited that I can’t turn her down.
She insists on packing us a picnic and we set out to rediscover our old summer spots.
We stop off at the tree house that someone had built way before our time. Luca had fallen through one of the floorboards when we were eleven and broke his leg.
The old rope swing we used to jump off into the lake with is still there. One year the rope tried to wrap around my leg when I tried to backflip off of it. It left a silver dollar sized abrasion on the top of my ankle. Football season sucked for the first month while my cleats rubbed against the tender flesh.
Last stop is the community park where we used to feed the ducks. Luca and I would play king of the mountain on the play set for hours while Lexi chased us around. Now, I’m the one chasing Lexi.
She pulls out a loaf of bread for the ducks and lunch for us. We laughed about old times but the entire time I can’t help but romanticize about doing this everyday with her. Being with her. Laughing with her. Spending our lives feeding ducks and fucking. Ok, maybe there was more to life than just those two things. But honestly, what more did you need?
When we get back, we spend the rest of the afternoon in the lake. I would prefer to spend the afternoon inside her. This is more important. We’re learning about each other from a new perspective.
After dinner and a couple beers, we get ready for the sunset. I keep my drinking to a minimum tonight. I don’t want anything to dull any sensations of this girl’s touch.
We lay next to each other, hand in hand, Lexi’s head resting on my chest. I start to rub slow circles on her back. Touching her warm skin is a gift I don’t plan to squander.
As my circles get bigger, they begin to graze over her ass. A small moan hums out of her and my dick takes notice. I do it again. This time letting my finger snag on her shorts a little to reveal that perfect little ass crack she has. She fidgets to my touch again, but this time, she rubs her breast against me in a way that might come off as suggestive. I look down at her to see if I’m sensing what I think I am. When she looks back up at me, I can’t help myself. With a quick and smooth transfer, I have Lexi on her back as I devour her mouth. I consume every whimper she’s giving me.
I part her legs with my knee and rub my already waiting erection between her thighs. My fingers itch to feel how damp her panties are for me. I decide I can’t wait any longer. I slide my hand down her shorts and she moans in approval.
"Let’s go inside," she whispers.
"The sunset isn’t over," I remind her.
"I know." She glides a hand down my chest.
"Have you ever missed a sunset?"
I know the answer is no, but I need her to say it.
"I’ve never had something better than a sunset to distract me. Now I do."
I don’t need another reason. This girl just made my heart fill to twice its size. I grab ahold of her and haul her up my body, wrapping her legs around my hips.