“Lexi, everything ok?”
“Good to see you again, sir,” Sebastian says, reaching out a hand to my dad to shake it
My dad takes it and smiles but the smile he is giving, unbeknownst to Sebastian, is half-cocked and skeptical.
“Call me Tom.”
My father looks at me. He’s expecting an explanation for why an exceptionally good-looking intruder has taken up residence in my office.
“Dad, this is Sebastian Clark. He works directly across from me.”
I point across the way to Sebastian’s office directly on the other side of the courtyard.
“We ran into each other at the coffee shop last week. He wanted to see how the other half lives,” I joke.
My father seems satisfied but the look on his face still has me guessing he has a reason for not giving Sebastian the full Tom Benson charm.
“Oh, is that right? What do you do Sebastian?”
My dad is warming a little, but only a little.
“I’m an Intellectual Property Attorney. I mostly handle our patent division.”
Sebastian’s chest puffs a little as he informs my dad. He’s proud of what he does and it’s a big turn on.
“That’s interesting work, son. Innovation is the life blood of this country and it’s important to protect those who have the creative ability to improve our lives. I admire what you do. I’ve always told Lexi that we need a lawyer in the family. My sonis currently in the NFL and my daughter is an incredible talent here in our firm. She’s going to make her dad look like he was building makeshift huts by the time she’s done with this place. I guess I’ll have to wait to see what the grandkids decide to do.” He smiles at me.
“Oh, uh, are you?…Sorry, I didn’t know…” Sebastian awkwardly hints at a pregnancy
“Oh, God no!” I assure us all. Even my dad has a deer-in-the- headlights look to the possibility.
“My brother just had a son a few months ago. I still have some time before I am popping out any future family lawyers. Thanks for that dad.” I elbow my father who is now taking the hint he should go.
“Ok, well it was nice to meet you, Sebastian. If a million-dollar idea ever pops in my head…” My dad waits for Sebastian to reply.
“I’ll be right across the building any time Tom. Good to meet you…twice.”
He smiles at my dad and Sebastian’s perfect white teeth and kissable lips have me mesmerized. My father is making his way back down the end of the hall to his office, and I’m unknowingly biting my lower lip at the thought of his mouth on mine. He turns to look back at me. His eyes dart down to my mouth and there’s no doubt… there’s a moment there.
“So, the guy who made you cry. Is it too forward to ask who he is?”
“Just a family friend. I’ve known him longer than my permanent set of teeth.” I joke.
“Family friends come to your office to make you cry. Seems like an odd relationship.”
“You have no idea,” I mumble.
Our receptionist walks up and clears her throat.
“Lexi, Mr. Broadrick is on hold for you? Says he wanted to make sure you got his last draft for the contract with the Golden Bay Hotel merger. Should I tell him you’ll call him back?”
“No, I’m leaving, Sonia,” he says to our receptionist.
I guess he has met everyone and has an impeccable memory. He did say he spent a half hour in the office looking for me. She might have already given him her famous mac and cheese recipe for all I know. But unlikely. She only gives that out to people she really likes.
His smile is warm and there is an obvious kindness to this man.
“Just checking in on Lexi but everything seems to be in order.”