She ignores my question.
"I can hear the party's still going strong. Enjoy yourself. I don’t want to hold you up. I honestly didn’t think you’d answer. I was planning on leaving a message."
I calm my voice or otherwise I know she won’t give me any more information if she thinks I’ll leave the party. I slowly say each word, pronouncing each one clearly.
"Lex, where are you staying? Is it safe?" I ask, knowing this will get her to open up. Lexi has always been the type to soothe others, to calm their nerves. Just like I expect, she takes the bait.
"Oh my god, Tucker! I’m staying at the Blue Diamond Hotel. No one is going to rob me here."
My heart nearly stops. The Blue Diamond is right down the street—six blocks away. The adrenaline pumping through my veins tells me I could run there in minutes without breaking a sweat.
"Hold on," I say, as casually as I can, slipping toward the door though my heart is pounding harder than when I scored the touchdown that won us the Super Bowl. I need to get to her. I need to see her standing in front of me to believe she really came to LA for me.
I catch the eyes of a few players and coaches, letting them know I’m stepping out.
Once outside, I start jogging, keeping my pace slow enough so she doesn’t hear it in my voice. I keep her talking, throwing her questions to keep her distracted. There are a few very specific things I need to know before I show up at her hotel.
"Are you here alone? You know how dangerous LA can be."
I know her parents are in town, and Luca is somewhere in the city. They all came to my game. They all texted to congratulate me. But that’s not really what I’m asking. I need to know if she’s with someone else—anyoneelse.
"No, my mom and dad are here. Luca and Brielle too, but they’re in a different hotel. I got lucky to get this one – a last minute cancellation. Arm and a leg, though. I had to pony up for the suite. I called, like, seven hotels before I found a room. I think they’re all staying in the same hotel as you…?" she trails off.
"Yeah, they are." I picked them up from the airport so that detail I’m sure of. I’m relieved to hear I won’t be passing LucaBenson in the hotel hallway before I try to pull a fast one on his sister.
"I can’t believe you didn’t take the Grand Cayman’s account. I thought that was important for the firm. Your dad mentioned it could have moved your career forward."
"And miss you playing in the Super Bowl? No way. Your win is bigger, Tuck." Her voice softens. "I just—"
I cut her off. "That’s not true. You’ve been working toward this promotion since middle school. Almost as long as I’ve dreamt of a Super Bowl win. This deal is huge for your career."
"You're right." She sighs, and I can hear the hesitation in her voice. "I just… couldn’t miss being here. I like to think I was on this rollercoaster with you. All the peewee games. Middle school football. Friday night lights in high school. We’ve all put in the hours to support you. Remember those elaborate glittery banners mom and I used to make for you and Luca?" She laughs and the sound warms me. It sounds like home, my home.
"My mom, my dad, Luca, your sister Sabrina, and your dad. This feels like a win for all of us. I didn’t want to be the only one left out. Just didn’t seem right." She sighs again, and something in her voice makes my chest tighten. Maybe she’s about to say something more, something I need to hear. Maybe showing up at her hotel won’t be as crazy as it feels.
Since my breathing is getting heavier from running, I quickly mute the phone and let her keep talking. I should take it easy, but I can't slow my steps—My pulse is racing at the thought of seeing her again, after all this time apart.
"I ran into Sabrina last month. She said she was set to come, and I was feeling left out. Did you know she’s helping me look for a house?"
I unmute for a quick reply. "Uh-huh."
"Are you okay, Tuck? You sound a little out of breath."
I make it through the hotel doors and walk up to the concierge.
"Yeah, I’m fine. How's Lilly," I ask, knowing Lexi loves to talk about her best friend.
"She's doing good. Did you hear she moved to Hawaii for her now-ex-boyfriend? Now she's married to a billionaire who she met on the plane ride over."
I take a look around.
It’s a nice hotel, although I’m not surprised. Lexi grew up with her parents traveling first class in every sense.
Luckily, the concierge recognizes me right away.
"OH SHIT! Hello, Mr. Evans!"
Thank God, a fan. This should be easy.