But she’s frantic to get away from me, and I don’t like the desperation in her eyes. She eyes the crosswalk a few feet from her, but the timer for walking only has seconds left on it.
Don’t do it, Lex.
I’ve already come to terms with my fate. I’ll protect her at all costs. If she walks into moving traffic, I’ll have no choice but to follow.
She’s acting like a cornered animal as she jumps out onto the crosswalk. All to avoid me, I know. That hits hard.
I see a car that has slowed down for the red light but they aren’t up against the crosswalk like the other cars waiting for the green light. They aren’t aware that a beautiful blonde is about to walk out in front of them. The light turns green and as I suspect, it does right before Lexi crosses in front of the car.
I make the decision to go after her.
This is going to fucking hurt.
I sprint the last few steps to her and push her out of the way, just in time. She flies forward falling to the ground but thankfully onto the sidewalk where she’s safe from traffic.
The car rams me from the side, connecting its fender with my left knee and hip and violently thrusting me up onto the windshield.
I feel the shooting pain as my knee disconnects on impact and my head rams up against the glass windshield. I grunt out and grab my knee instantly in an attempt to support it while it’s dislocated.
My ankle is in excruciating pain. It’s either broken or I suffered a massive sprain. Either will result in a long recovery.
I heard the windshield crack when my head connected with it. That’s going to be one fucking goose egg. I can practically feel the swelling increase to cartoon-sized proportions. But nothing about this is funny.
This isn’t good for me or the team’s chance at the playoffs. I’m still grateful I got to her in time. That it’s me on top of this car and not Lexi.
Due to the slower speed of the car, I have far less injuries than I could have had. I got fucking lucky.
I hear the driver open his door and race out.
"Shit man! I didn’t see you! Are you okay?" He says as he runs around to the hood of the car.
"Tucker! Damn it, what were you thinking?" Luca says as he runs up, quickly assess my injuries.
"Just get me off this fucking car." I spudder as I try to keep my knee supported.
"I hit Tucker Evans?" the driver looks to be in a worse state of shock than me. And I’m the idiot that got hit by the car. "Dammit man, you’re on my fantasy football team." The driver looks worried…about his goddamn fake roster.
Luca looks over at me and shakes his head. What the hell do you say back to that?
"Dumb fuck" Luca says under his breath. "Just help me get him off the car and over to the curb. Can you handle that?" he asks the driver.
"Yeah, yeah, I can do that." The driver says as he steps closer and grabs ahold of my arm, draping it over his neck to help me off the hood. "It’s an honor." He says as he looks at me.
I’m in too much pain to laugh but the situation I’m in is too ridiculous not to.
"Careful. Slow." Luca instructs the driver.
Luca and the driver pull me to the curb as I hear the ambulance’s sirens as it pulls up to the curb closest to me.
"Shit Tuck." Luca says with his hands on his hips staring down at my knee.
I look up at him and the words don’t need to be exchanged. We both know what this could mean.
As soon as the paramedics descend on me, Luca walks over to join Brielle and a handful of onlookers to check on Lexi. She’s trying to convince everyone she’s fine as her eyes constantly attempt to lock with mine. I’m not up for her half-assed apologies now.
You fucking ran away from me. What could you possibly want now?