Page 83 of The Long Game

Lucky for him he didn’t lay a hand on her. He wouldn’t have a hand left if he’d touched her. I would have seen to it.

“Looks like you two are pretty cozy to me. Just be honest with me, Tucker. This could be good publicity for you.”

“We’re not together. She has some millionaire stockbroker boyfriend in New York. She was in need of a friend, that’s it.” I look at Luca when I say it. He remembers what I had told him before about her manipulative ex. “And anyway, that photo is ancient. Why are they releasing it now?”

“The word I got was that the pap who took it was waiting for you to win the Super Bowl first and then cash in. He sold it the second you lost the game, hoping to get something for it.”

“It’s fake news, Paul. Tell them all as much.”

“Just saying, Tucker. A press release with the biggest ‘player’ in the league finally settling down would cloud over a little of this loss for you. It’s not exactly terrible timing. If Mallory would agree to…”

“Don’t fucking think about it,” I threaten. “If you want to see Tucker Evans off the market, you might just get your wish. I’ll talk to you in a couple of days.”

Paul laughs with excitement but just as he’s about to say something about how incredible this boost will be for my career, I hang up on his ass.

Not everything is for sale.

If I can somehow even get Lexi to be with me, once and for all, I’ll never agree to use it as a publicity stunt. This would be the start to the future I want.

“Holy shit. You’re going to go for it,” Luca realizes as he sees the determination on my face.

We’re only forty-five minutes from Lexi’s office and Luca’s condo in the city is conveniently on the way.

“I’ve played this too safe. I’ve been playing the long game for far too long.”

I hear Brielle giggle in the background. I wish I was as enthusiastic but I’m scared shitless.


Tucker texted me when they left his condo and were headed to Chicago.

The storm hasn’t hit yet but I’ve been glued to the weather channel for the last two days.

The office is still bustling, but those who can work from home have already left for the day. Thankfully, a weekend is about to start and the worst of the storm is supposed to start tomorrow or the next.

“Lexi, honey…” my dad stops by my office. “…you should head home. It’s Friday anyway and the roads are clear now, but who knows what the next few hours will bring. I’d like to know you’re at home safe.”

“I just have a couple more hours’ worth of work. I’ll head home as soon as I’m done.”

“Ok, call me when you leave the office. Luca just got home and your mom wants them to stay with us in case the storm gets worse tonight and we lose electricity. I’m leaving to get them settled at our house. Do have enough wood for your fireplace on your porch?”

“Yeah, I have enough for a week or so, if needed.”

“Ok. Don’t forget to call.”

“I won’t,” I say. The urgency of getting my emails sent through asap in case I actually do lose power hits me.

Thanks for the added pressure, dad, jeeze.

Twenty minutes later, I hear quick footsteps down the hall, headed for my office. I know there aren’t many people left so it has to be my dad.

“Ok ok, I get it. I’ll head home soon,” I say, thinking my dad decided to pack more pressure on.


The familiar, sexy voice of the man I can’t get out of my head… or my heart comes from the opening of my office door.

I glance up to see a beautiful Tucker who looks to be sweating and a under some kind of distress.