Page 78 of The Long Game

“Lexi Benson,” I interrupt.

“Wait… Benson?”

“Luca Benson’s little sister.”

“Oh fuck. Nice man,” he says with complete sarcasm.

“I know. But I have his blessing.”

“Alright. I’m not going to even touch that.”

“So you think I should retire?” I asked, not loving the answer but I’ll do whatever it takes.

“Hell no. I think you should talk to her about it if you’re serious about giving up the game. Women hate when you make these types of decisions without their input. And since you’ve never had a real relationship, you don’t know shit. Welcome to the club, by the way. None of us seem to know a damn thing if you ask our wives. Just make sure… whatever you’re willing to give or give up, you can handle the follow through. You have more talent than I did, Tucker. You have a lot more career in you than I had left. Make sure that Lexi is worth it.”

“I’ve been without her for thirteen years, years I would give anything to get those years back. She’s worth it. I already bought the ring.”

“You already bought her an engagement ring!? Who the fuck are you?” He sighs. “Alright, well you can’t let that ring go to waste. What else you got to move the spinning bottle in your direction?”

“Bought her childhood dream home.”

“Tucker Evans… wish I’d had you to go to for advice when I was chasing Sadie. Honestly, I’m not sure how I can help you at this point.”

“You did. And you’re right. If I retired without asking Lexi if that’s what’s holding us back, she wouldn’t be happy.”

“If this girl is good enough to make the top running back in the league give up a nineteen-million dollar contract, you gotta bring her out to Tennessee. I have to meet her.”

“Dad!” I hear a child’s voice shout in the background.

“I gotta go man – duty calls. Just don’t forget who you are. You can accomplish anything you set out for. You’re a hell of a man, and I guarantee she already knows that. Remind her.”

“Thanks, TJ.”

“Call more often brother. It was good to hear your voice.”

“Yours too.”

TJ is right. I know what to do and I have an arsenal of weapons to use against her. Mostly, memories. I have to remind her how much we both care about each other and that at the end of the day, there’s nothing we won’t do for each other. Pull each other out of lakes, postpone a life changing trip to the Grand Cayman’s for a football game, push each other out of the way of moving cars. In the end, we’re there for each other when it matters the most.

Chapter Twenty-One


The next three week turns out to be the same. Lexi sets up dinner at her parents.

I was bummed the first time she suggested it but now, I sort of think they’re improving my chances.

The four of us together is putting Lexi more at ease with our setup, and the direction Sheila and Tom take the conversations continue to put future in place. Like Easter brunch at the Benson’s and the lake house this summer. All of which, I’ve been formally invited to.

This week is the first week that Carl is officially moved out and we have full access to the house tonight.

My phone starts ringing as I make it into Chicago and head for Desh’s.

Lexi Benson calling…

“Hi,” I say.

“Hi. Can you meet me after the gym? One of the head sales associates for Clayton Custom Home Showrooms said he’d staylater than he usually does today. I’d like to go in and get an idea of cabinet colors, granite slabs, and shower tiling. Some of this stuff we’ll have to order, and since we’re on a tight timeline, we should get some things on their way for the contractor.”