“Yeah, that’s not the situation. I might sort of wish. A surprise baby might actually make things easier. She knows my reputation, and she doesn’t give a flying fuck that I’m a rich pro footballer. She might fucking hold that against me in this case.”
I hear the creaking of wood floors and then a door shut. I can’t hear the chatter of a house full of littles anymore. He must have found an office or den to blockade himself in. I didn’t realize my love life was so enthralling. It feels like a damn nightmare right now.
“So you’re coming to me for advice on women? Not exactly my strong suit.”
“Hell no! You’d be the last person on my list.” I laugh. TJ’s been out of the dating game since he married Sadie ten years ago. He has no idea what it’s like out there anymore. “I want to know how you made the decision to retire. I know you said it was the kids but what made a two-time Super Bowl champ decide to bow out years earlier than his expiration date?” I ask.
“You’re honestly thinking about retiring?” I can hear the shock in his voice. “Why now? Because of this girl?”
“This sounds like a massive mistake. Alright, tell me about her.”
“I’ve known her since I was eight years old…”
“Oh shit… how long have you been in love with this girl? This whole fucking time?”
“No… shit. There was an accident in high school. I realized what she meant to me – had a hell of a time forgetting how much for the last thirteen years.”
“Ok, so tell her.”
“I have. She thinks I’m in capable of a real relationship. She’s seeing someone else. I don’t think they’re serious, but the guy’s an idiot if he doesn’t lock her down,” I tell him.
“What does this have to do with football?” he asks.
“She thinks we can’t do long distance, and she thinks I’m incapable of monogamy.” I sigh. “I fixed the distance… I bought the house across the from her parents.”
“Oh shit man. You’re serious about her.”
Yes, finally, he gets it.
“And that’s what I need her to see.”
“You think giving up your career will seal the deal?”
I pause, trying to think whether or not I can say yes with absolute certainty, but I can’t. If I knew for sure, without a shadow of a doubt that Lexi would agree to be with me if I retired, it would be a done deal. I’d give it all up for her. No questions asked.
Losing football would feel like a death in my world, but being with Lexi, finally, after all these years would be a rebirth. A new chapter and an even better one. I finally understand why TJ retired when he did.
He can sense my hesitation.
“Ok, listen. It seems backwards that a woman wants you to give up the NFL and the massive paychecks and status that come with it. We’re more used to the women, in our line of work, who would gladly kill for WAGS status.”
I laugh to myself at the thought of Lexi as a WAG. She’s not made for sitting idly by in a owners box somewhere. She’s made to build things, design things, make shit happen.
“It just so happens I have a wife that would have been happy no matter what I did for a living if it meant I was home every night. I can sort of relate to this, incredibly unusual, predicament you’re in.”
“So, what do I do?”
“I gave up the NFL my second year.”
Did I just hear that right?
“You did what?”
“I found out Sadie was pregnant. She didn’t want anything to do with me. I thought I had to show her I would be present for her and the baby in order to win her back. She was even more upset with me. She said I would be a hollow shell of the man that she had fallen for. I would have lost something I loved and she was worried I’d become depressed and would later resent her. That’s when she realized she loved me too and would do anything to make it work. The franchise took me back instantly…and so did Sadie.
“Sadie was wrong, though. I could never have resented her. I love her more than I will ever love the game. But I proved that to her with my actions. I don’t know this girl…”