Page 59 of The Long Game

"Just shut up and let me say this. You fuck my sister, I’ll fuck you over. Are we clear?"

"Shit. Yeah. She’s not even my type."

All of it was a lie. I wanted her in every way I could have her. But she wasn’t my type. No, that girl deserves her own category. She was more than just my type. She was everything. She still is.

"The only way this goes down between you and Lexi is either with a diamond ring or a black eye. We both know you won’t commit, so lay off. Before I have to beat you to a pulp."

The jeweler puts the ring that Tom and I agreed on into a small velvet box and then wrapping that box into a Cartier store cardboard box, tying it with ribbon. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears as my forehead starts to sweat.

"I know I’ve said this a couple of times already but are you sure you want to take this step so quickly without talking to her first?" There’s something in his eyes. Something that wasn’t there yesterday when I talked with him. Is he having second thoughts about Lexi and I together?

"The ring is for Luca. I’m not planning to give it to Lexi yet. Luca told me years ago, not to start anything with Lexi unless I was prepared to make things permanent. I need him to know I’m serious. I need him to know I’m not that kid anymore. And I amnotthe guy the tabloids make out to be incapable of commitment."

"So, this was going on for longer than I knew. Damn it, Sheila was right. She’s never going to let me live this one down." He laughs to himself. "And, those tabloids don’t know anything about you. You're perfectly capable."

"Sheila was right?" I ask.

"I told her that you came to me asking about Lexi. I didn’t give her the whole story, but she didn’t need it. She said she knew already. Said she knew something changed the day you saved Lexi’s life at the lake. She sensed that you hadn’t realized it yet and Lexi was too young to see it. She was a little shocked it took this long for you to come to your senses. She had given up on it happening at this point. Figured Lexi would meet someone bynow and you’d be out of luck." His last words seemed to trail off as he contemplates them.

"Sheila already knew. Figures," I say.

"Figures," he repeats, shaking his head.

We laugh as we watch the final ribbon being tied off.

I take the box into my hand, surprised at how light it feels. It’s like the weight of the ring lightens the heavy load that’s been on my back for God-only-knows how long.

As we walk down the street to our cars, I see a flash of beauty step out of a brand-new jaguar. The man driving wraps her hand around his arm as they head across the street to a sports bar. They both look a bit overdressed for the place, but who am I to judge, until I look at her face.


Lexi with… Sebastian.

And now I wonder if Tom’s words from earlier were because he knew about this.


Tom makes the same connection I do, just a second later. Suddenly the ring feels like it weighs a hundred pounds.

"Son, are you okay?"

"Are they seeing each other?" I ask, gawking at the two walking past my vision.

"As far as I can tell it’s new, really new."

"What do you know about him?"

"Seems like a good guy." I swallow hard and Tom senses it. "But a good guy doesn’t make him right for her, Tucker. Stay on course. You have a plan… it’s a solid one."

I’m frozen in place as I contemplate rushing into that bar, shoving my ring on her finger, and fast forwarding through the timeline I set for winning her heart, instead pleading my case now.

I want to toss her tiny body over my shoulder like I used to do at the lake house and stomp out of the bar with my girl wrapped around my body. I want to torpedo inside and tell Sebastian, "Sorry man, it’s nothing personal, but that one’s mine," as I pull her into my arms, putting her into a cradle hold as I run us straight down to the courthouse fifteen miles away.

I would too, if the courthouse was open at eight-thirty at night. Why couldn’t we live in Las Vegas right now, where the wedding chapels are always open. I’d marry Lexi this second if given the opportunity.

At the very least, I want to walk in and spoil his evening by inviting myself to sit with them so that he knows I’m staking my claim. When I seriously consider taking my first steps towards the bar, Tom puts his hand on my shoulder, like he always does when he’s about to tell me something he knows I need to hear.

"Don’t do anything to make her pull away. Luca’s waiting for you to show up at his house in ten minutes. Do not be late."