Page 44 of The Long Game

Before I can answer, Sebastian stiffens at the sight of a newcomer to our conversation.

"Lexi, you ready for lunch? Everyone’s waiting at the hostess’s booth. We weren’t sure what name you put the reservation under," Tucker says.

"Oh, yeah."

I look down at my cell phone that reads I’m six minutes late for our lunch date.

"I ran into Sebastian after I made the reservation and lost track on time."

As I stand, so does Sebastian and he grabs my hand to make sure I’m steady. Not that I needed it, but the gesture was appreciated by me, and only me. Tucker’s eye settle on where Sebastian is touching me.

"Tucker Evans. This is Sebastian Clark. He works in the building across the from my office. Sebastian, this is Tucker Evans. A longtime family friend."

I can feel Tucker tense up at the reference to friends, but I offer up a smile to cover the awkwardness of this exchange.

The two shake hands and exchange noticeably short, uninspired greetings to each other.

"Well, we better get back to our group. Thanks for sitting with me. Oh! And for the flowers."

"Yeah, I saw the note." He laughs and points up to my window. "Let me know if tonight works for you. Just throw out the bat signal. Or tape a note to the window." He smirks. "I’m leaving here around five, and we can ride together… if you want," Sebastian says.

"Okay, I’ll let you know if I can make it," I say as Tucker leads me away with his hand on my lower back.

As we walk away Tucker asks a question in a low rumble.

"What did you have to forgive him for?"

"Huh?" I ask.

Tucker points up to the window sign we can vaguely make out from the ground.

"Oh. He thought I was pregnant. Made my dad think it…"

"You're pregnant?!" he stops and pulls me around to face him, his hands gripping firming around my arms as he assess me. "Shouldn’t you be sitting down or something? Are you going to see Brielle’s OBGYN? He’s the best in Chicago, right? We need to get you into their office. My agent’s team can make a call if they say they’re overbooked. We’ll get you the best of the best. Anything you need, Lex." His breathing is labored when he finishes rambling.

"Wow. Hold on there, King Kong. I don’t need you taking out small aircrafts just yet."

I hold his stare. I need to put his mind at ease before we sit down for lunch with our families. I’ve never heard Tucker talk that fast with that much concern in my life.

He lets go of my arms and takes another step closer. He places a free hand on my lower belly. My stomach breaks out in butterflies at his touch.

He speaks before I can.

"Whatever you and the baby need, I’m here."

My heart just about jumps out of my chest. There’s no physical way this non-existent baby could be his- but he just spewed, in two seconds flat, how he’d take care of me no matter what.

My female hormones peak and for a moment, I almost wish I was pregnant with a Tucker Evans baby.

"Thank you for your concern – that’s really sweet..."

He scans my body quickly but doesn’t find signs from this dress to suggest that I’d be pregnant. Unless it was the incredibly early stages. I work hard for this flat stomach.

"…But I’m not pregnant"

Tucker makes an audible exhale as if he had been holding his breath since the minute I uttered the word "pregnant". He’s noticeably more relaxed.

"My dad made a comment. Sebastian took the meaning to mean something else. It was a mistake."