Page 7 of Unlocked

He smiles, putting his pearly white teeth on display, and leans over the bar.

“Any chance you can make me a shot too, Pretty Girl?”

“A shot? Oh, umm sure,” I stutter out as I set my full shot down without drinking it. “What are you drinking tonight?”

“Whatever you're having," he replies, eyeing my drink.

‘Shit’, I think to myself. I’m really not supposed to drink with the customers. I look around the bar. Fuck it. The boss is off tonight anyway and Lydia is closing down with me. It will be fine.

“Jameson okay?” I ask him.

His eyes flash for a second, and he chuckles to himself before responding. “That sounds great.”

I pour his shot and slide it towards him while grabbing mine.

“Thanks, Pretty Girl," he says as he clinks his glass against mine and we both down our shots. He slides a fifty dollarbill towards me. “Keep the change.” His friends call over to him, causing him to nod his head at me before making his way back over to their table. I watch him walk away before looking around and realizing how busy the bar has gotten tonight. Lydia comes over to the bar with another order.

“Holy shit, it just got busy in here," she follows my gaze over to the table I’m staring at and smiles. “They are fucking delicious, huh?”

“Who are they?” I ask her, looking away quickly so he doesn’t catch me staring again.

“No clue." She shrugs. “Whoever they are, they have money. I’ve made two hundred dollars off that table already in tips. I hope they stay all night.” She pushes the tray towards me. “Another round. Make them strong.”

I laugh at her. “Are you trying to get them completely wasted so they keep tipping?”

“Fuck, Kaz. I’m hoping they are so wasted, they decide to take me home and move me in with them.”

We both giggle at that admission. She’s not wrong. They all look like they are made of money and dipped in gold. They definitely don’t look like they belong in our shitty little dive bar, that’s for sure. I look over before looking away when I catch him staring at me again. I’m usually not nervous, but the way he keeps staring at me like he might devour me is making me weak in the knees.

A few too many shots and a couple hours later, Lydia comes up to the bar with her tray and slides a napkin towards me.

“What’s this?” I ask as she stares at it with a wide smile.

“Your sexy admirer over there asked me to give it to you.”

I look over her shoulder and catch him staring again while his finger runs around the edge of his drinking glass.

“Earth to Kaz," she says, snapping her fingers in my face. “Open it before I die of anticipation.”

I unwrap the napkin and stare at the four words written.Come home with me. I don’t know whether to be excited that this perfect god of a man wants me or annoyed that he has the audacity to assume I will just go home with anyone from the bar. I crumple the napkin and toss it into the trash.

“I think you should do it,” Lydia says giddily. “When was the last time you got laid anyway, Kaz? Please don’t tell me it was Kevin. It’s been like seven months.”

“Actually nine, but who’s counting?” I laugh out loud.

“Fuck, you’re practically a virgin again!” She screams, causing me to cover her mouth with my hand. Thankfully, the bar is busy and the music is loud, so nobody hears. I take another shot as she stares at me, waiting for my answer. The warmth spreads down into my belly, turning hot as lava when I connect my eyes with his again.

“Fuck it,” I say to her as I nod my head yes towards him. “I’m probably never going to see him again, anyway. What’s one night of hopefully phenomenal sex?”

Lydia squeals before clapping her hands together. “I already have your location. If he gets crazy and gives serial killer vibes, just send me an SOS and I'll send the police. I require every single detail in the morning!”

I wrinkle my nose at her. “If he’s a serial killer, I’ll be dead before the cops get there, Lydia. But I appreciate the sentiment.” She laughs before walking away.

‘If he knows what’s good for him,’ I think to myself, ‘he won’t try to slice me into pieces tonight.’

Chapter 7
