Page 40 of Unlocked

“Hello, Little Devil,” Diablo says with a smile. “It’s been a very long time.”

Kaz doesn’t respond right away, making Diablo’s eyebrows scrunch up in confusion. He looks around at all of us for guidance, but we are just as confused as him. I squeeze her hand, hoping it gives her some sort of support.

“I’m not fighting anymore," she blurts out suddenly. “I hope you didn’t come here to try to bring me back.”

“Of course not," he growls out. “I didn’t want you there in the first place. Had I known who you were to me in the beginning, I never would have allowed it.”

“So it’s true?” Sebastian asks.”She’s your daughter?”

“Of course she’s mine," he states plainly.

Kaz looks at him with wide eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Well, for starters, I didn’t know for certain until right before you left. Your junkie mother came to me on one of her binges, threatening to tell my wife about you. Apparently she found some money hidden in your room and it was banded with my logo. Your winnings, I’m assuming. It must have jogged her memory.”

Kaz holds up her hand to quiet him. “Wait. You and my mother?”

He grimaces, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation. “Once, before I was married. She was working at one of the clubs. I was heavily intoxicated, among other things”

“Stop,” Kaz says. “I don’t need details. I’m very aware of my mother’s escapades.”

His eyes soften a bit. “Had I known about you, I never would have allowed you to grow up in that environment.”

“Oh, bullshit,” I interrupt. “Your family is involved in the underground. Who knows what kind of danger she would have been in.”

He turns to me and glares. “Watch your mouth. No daughter of mine would have ever been in any danger. I have certain protections in place.”

“I know exactly what happens in places connected to the underground,” I grit out as I lean over the table. “I know…”

“Enough,” Jamison says loudly, cutting me off. I turn towards him with a glare. He nods at Kaz, who is looking down into her lap.

“Fuck, I’m sorry, Pretty Girl,” I say, grabbing her hand again. She squeezes mine back.

“I want to know what happened to Ben," she says to Diablo, sitting up straighter in her chair.

I look around to see everyone except my brother and Diablo, just as confused as I am. I feel a slight twinge of jealousy. Who the fuck is Ben?

“What happened to him? He went missing and no one can find him? Did you have something to do with it?”

It hits me then, who she is talking about. The friend from her childhood that she has pictured on her phone screen.

“I had nothing to do with his disappearance, Kaz, I promise. I was monitoring his contact with you and one day he vanished. I tried looking more into it, but no one would talk. He had to have pissed off someone else in The Four.”

“You knew where I was? Why didn’t you come after me?” She eyes him skeptically.

He sighs. “As I said, I didn’t want you involved in the underground anymore. You were safe where you were and you were doing well for yourself. I had an account set up for you in the event you ever needed anything. I didn't want to upend your life. Now I see that was a mistake. You ended up a part of my world anyway," he says, eyeing the rest of us. “Regardless, the money is yours and I’ve already placed it in your name. Use it or not. It’s up to you.”

Kaz chooses to ignore that statement and instead asks another question. “Does your wife know about me?”

The question catches us all off guard except Diablo, who smiles before answering. “She does now and she would love to meet you. You also have a younger brother, although he might be harder to get ahold of. He’s in college and…temperamental.”

Kaz smiles and I can tell it's genuine. “I can’t wait.”

“There’s the matter of Frederick,” Sebastian cuts in.

“Ahh, yes, my nephew. Unfortunately, I cannot get involved in that matter. However, I can assure you that Kaz will remain safe.” He looks down at his watch before standing quickly. “I have another matter to attend to, but I am free to discuss some possible business opportunities another time?”

Sebastian nods his head at Diablo, who then turns to Kaz. “I will message you with details soon. I really am so glad to finally be able to have you in my life again.”