Page 37 of Unlocked

“You love me?” I ask him, still waiting for the other shoe to drop.

“I do," he replies. “And I don’t expect you to res…” I silence him with my finger over his lips.

“I love you too,” I reply before pulling my finger away and kissing him again. He groans into my mouth and I feel him already hardening inside me again.

“You’re insatiable,” I whisper before lifting my hips up and dropping them again.

He grips my hips, helping lift me to repeat the motion and I feel him grin against my mouth before replying, “When it comes to you, Pretty Girl. You have no idea.”

Chapter 30


“Jonathan has her at our place,” I state as I stand against Xavier’s kitchen island, staring at both him and Sebastian.

Xavier looks flustered. “Why didn’t you tell us what was going on?”

I look at him with a straight face. “I didn’t think it was necessary. Andre was aware there was a situation. That’s as far as I thought it needed to go.”

“Not good enough,” Sebastian growls out. “Dammit, Jamison. This could have blown up in our faces. You could have fucking killed her!”

Both Riley and Corrine choose to walk into the kitchen at that exact moment. The laughter dies out and smiles drop from both their faces.

“What’s going on?” Riley asks Sebastian.

Corrine turns to Xavier. “Could have killed who?”

Both men turn to me expectantly. I groan internally, trying to decide how to backtrack out of this conversation.

“Shouldn’t you two be watching some chick flick right now in the bedroom? This was supposed to be a private conversation.”

“We were hungry,” Corrine says with her hands on her hips. “Don’t change the subject.”

Suddenly, Riley’s head whips towards me again, and her eyes narrow. “Did you find Kaz, Jamison?”

“That’s what we were discussing, Little Mouse,” Sebastian says, pulling Riley’s hair over her shoulder and kissing her neck. I roll my eyes at how pathetic he has become these days, and then I remember how badly I’ve wanted to do that exact thing to Kaz many times before.

“Is this about Kaz?” Riley yells out, attempting to walk around the island to me. Thankfully, Sebastian grabs her, hauling her back to him and yanking her onto his lap.”

“Kaz is fine. Calm down," he says in her ear.

Xavier isn’t quick enough though because Corrine is in my face when I turn towards her. “What did you do to her, Jamison?” She shrieks and pushes me backwards. I grab both of her wrists, causing Xavier to jump up with wide eyes and grab her before I can react further. I let go of her quickly and hold my hands up when I see the look of fear on his face. He knows me too well. He knows I don’t like to be pushed around and he knows how I would normally react in this situation. For once, though, I’m not even angry. I deserved that. I deserve much more than that after the information I’ve scraped together. Part of me thinks I was trying so hard to find something wrong with Kaz that I ignored some of the things I would usually find so easily. For instance, I could have looked up Kaz's text history between her and Lockhart. Hell, I’ve invaded her privacy like that many times before. One look would have told me everything I needed to know. That Kaz, indeed, did not know who was messaging her. That she was certainly being blackmailed and that she definitely did not want to do what he was asking of her. Am I angry she stole my fucking toothbrush? Fuck yes I am, but I also believe she thought she had no choice in the matter. It’s not like I gave her much of a choice either over the years. I’ve kept her secret and held it over her head. I’ve used her and her secretsto my advantage. I won’t say I regret that because it would be a lie. I loved every moment it gave me with her but do I know I’ll have to pay for that at some point. Yes, yes I do.

“I wasn’t going to do anything, Xavier,” I say, with my hands still up. He looks at me and nods as he pulls Corrine closer to him. She looks at him perplexed, probably wondering why he was so worried. She should be thanking him. If she was any other stranger outside of our circle, I would have snapped both of her wrists without a second thought.

“Kaz isn’t who you think she is,” I say. It’s time to rip off the bandaid. “She’s been lying from the very beginning. She lied about what school she went to. She lied about graduating. She lied about where she came from. The biggest lie was her pretending she was weak and fragile when really she could probably hold her own, one on one, against most men larger than her.”

“Wait what?” Xavier asks.

“She learned how to hack and fight from a friend when she was younger. Her hacking skills were adequate at most, enough to get past all of you, I guess. The fighting though. She can hold her own,” I say, smirking to myself as I remember her kick to my ribs. She left a beautiful bruise, she will never see because of the ink that covers my body.

“Are you saying you knew about her resume?” Sebastian grits out, clearly annoyed. “Why the fuck would you have let this go on?”

I sigh before continuing with what I know will irritate him further. “One, I didn’t see her as a liability and two, both my brother and I have been fucking around with her this entire time.”

“Unbelievable,” Sebastian growls just as both Riley and Corrine look at each other and exclaim “I knew it!”

Xavier doesn’t say a word.